Chapter 20

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~~~ Juvia ~~~

  "Fire Element: Sea of Scorching Flames!"

  Juvia held up her hands to block the attack with another Water Dome spell.  As wave upon wave of flames hit her blockade, she couldn't help but feel as if she was definitely on the losing side.

  Finally the attack dissipated.  Juvia leaned back against the wall she was continuously being flung into.

  "Your stamina is quite incredible," Althea commented.  "I wonder how much longer it will take for you to beg for mercy."

  Juvia took deep, painful breaths.

  I haven't even landed a hit, she thought to herself.

  "Juvia, please don't overdo it," Wendy pleaded from the side.  The small Dragon Slayer had been ordered by both the Water Mage and Carla to stay next to Erza in case of another attack.  Juvia was glad that Wendy was unharmed, but if Althea threw another Earth Elemental spell towards them like the one that had rendered Erza unconscious, she knew that little could be done.

  "Where was all that bravado from earlier?"  The S-Class Mage mocked.  "Looks like you're all talk after-"

  Suddenly Althea stumbled back, clutching her heart.  Juvia didn't even think before willing her body to move and sprinting towards her dazed opponent at full speed.  She delivered a swift kick to Althea's right hand that held the scythe and watched it clatter to the floor.  Deciding to take a chance, Juvia threw her water-propelled fist into Althea's stomach.  The woman keeled over in surprise more than pain.  Juvia jumped away as Althea got back to her feet slowly.

  "Looks like one of our S-Class has fallen," she stated in a bitter tone.  "And to a pair of Dragon Slayers, an Ice Wizard, and one who uses Dark Magic.  How interesting."

  A sigh of relief escaped Juvia.  Knowing that the others were still hanging in there was enough to make her stand up straight with pride.

  And Gray's okay.

  "We weren't going to lose from the beginning," the Fairy Tail wizard shot back.  "As long as my comrades are still fighting for our guild, I won't back down."

  "There you go again with those bold words," Althea hissed, removing her hand from her stomach.  "But your fight is far from over.  Just look at the state you're in.  I wouldn't say I'm feeling jealous."

  No matter how much Juvia hated to admit it, she knew Althea was right.  Nearly all of her magic was gone, and there was still the master of Eidolon Wraith to deal with.  Things weren't looking good.

  "I will admit, taking advantage of my confusion was smart.  But I'm afraid that since you angered me, I'll be delivering your death sentence."

  Juvia moved to position herself between Althea and the scythe on the ground.

  If she gets her hands on that thing then I'm as good as dead, Juvia thought, running through possible tactics.  But she doesn't need it to use her magic.  How can I beat her? 

  "I tried to make it better and only use your magic against you, but you left me no choice," Althea continued with a shrug.  "There won't be anything left to bury when I'm done with you."  An evil smile crept onto her face.  "You'll never see Gray Fullbuster again."

  That last sentence was enough to send Juvia into overdrive.

  "How dare you speak his name,"  the water wizard spat.  "If I die now, I wouldn't have accomplished my task.  I will not die today, and definitely not by your hand!"

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