Chapter 14

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~~~ Gray ~~~

  "Hello Lyon," Juvia greeted with what looked like a forced smile.

  Gray stared at the white-haired man in front of him, and all the memories of the past that he had tried so desperately to keep away came crashing down.

  "I practice Maker Magic. Out of all the magical arts, I feel that this one gives you the most creative freedom."

  "It's been a long time, hasn't it my lovely Juvia?"  The Lamia Scale wizard inquired dramatically.

  Before Juvia could respond, Gray managed to point out," It hasn't been that long.  We saw you during the Grand Magic Games."

  Lyon didn't respond, but instead turned to Juvia again.  "Would you give us a moment my little dewdrop?"

  Juvia wrinkled her nose at the nickname but climbed down from the wagon nonetheless.  She looked back up at Gray.

  "If you need me I'll be in the second wagon with Gajeel and Lily.  I'm afraid you can't talk for too long, Erza and Levy will be back soon."

  Gray nodded as she turned and walked away.  Lyon stepped into the wagon as soon as she was out of sight.

  "How have you been?"  He asked in a much more serious tone.

  Gray sat back down with a frown.  "I still have those same nightmares.  They're... frequent.  What about you?"

  "I get nightmares just like you do, but by the looks of it yours are a lot worse."

  Gray leaned his head back against the wooden side of the wagon.  Lyon was an Ice-Make wizard just like Gray. He too shared the same painful past, one consumed by darkness.

  "You remind me of yourself when you were a child," Lyon suddenly said.

  Gray bristled.  "Excuse me?"

  "Oh please, don't get mad at me, you know what I meant.   I only say that because there is the same malice in you that reminds me of how you were when you were younger."  Gray sighed as Lyon continued.  "I thought being in Fairy Tail had rid you of the darkness.  I thought Ur had freed you from it."

  At the mention of that name, Gray squeezed his eyes shut.

  "Lyon," he said in desperation.  "Don't say that stuff now.   I need to focus on my mission.  I can't have these things in my head."

  Lyon nodded grimly.  "Forgive me. Be careful on your trip; rumors have started to surface about the conflict between Eidolon Wraith and Fairy Tail."

  Gray got to his feet.

  "We're going to put an end to this once and for all, you can count on that."

  "Just don't go getting yourself killed before I can beat you up myself," Lyon replied with a smirk.

  Gray in turn gave him a rare grin. "Wouldn't dream of it."

  Suddenly, a booming voice called out," Lyon!"

  "Coming Jura!"  The Ice Mage called back.  Jumping down from the wagon, he glanced back at Gray.

  "Your friends need you, keep them close."

  With that, Lyon walked back to the Lamia Scale guild hall towards a tall, bald man dressed in traditional garments.  Gray immediately recognized him as Jura the Wizard Saint.  Power seemed to radiate off the guy like heat.

  Gray watched as Erza and Levy followed him out, bowed, then walked to the parked wagons.  Juvia also got out of the second cart and made her way back to her assigned one.   When Erza looked inside the first wagon, a deadly scowl made it's way onto her face.

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