Chapter 4

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~~~ Gray ~~~

"Ice Make: Sword!"

A sword made out of pure ice materialized in front of Gray, and using a forceful magic push he sent it flying blade-first toward the bulls eye on the other side of the room. He watched as the blade just barely lodged itself on the outside ring.

Panting, Gray looked at the weapon. His concentration was off; the events of the day before clouded his thoughts and prevented Gray from focusing. Thinking that a few hours of training in the morning would take his mind off things, Gray had headed to Fairy Tail's underground training area. But if anything, the training just showed how blatantly pathetic he was.

Gray turned around and trudged over to a wooden bench and sat with his head in his hands, trying to catch his breath. He had tried to turn his attention away from the negative thoughts that constantly threatened to resurface. Now mid-afternoon, he realized how futile those attempts really were.

Gray looked up from his hands and observed the training space. It was quite large, probably the same size as the guild hall that sat above it. Equipment was strewn everywhere from all the previous wizards who had done their training routines. The wooden floors were scratched and battered from the constant wear and tear of magical attacks and fallen weapons. Gray was actually relatively lucky to have not run into a single guild member whilst training; it allowed him to think and train freely without worrying about other's eyes on him.

I shouldn't have taken it out on Juvia, he suddenly thought. She didn't do anything wrong, it was just me being weak and angry.

It was at that moment that Gray heard the door to the training area creak open. Looking over to his right, he saw a certain red-headed Mage, armor clad and all, walk in.

"I had a feeling I would find you here," Erza said and sat down next to Gray on the bench.

Gray simply nodded and looked back at the ice sword still stuck in the target. Erza followed his gaze and smirked.

"That's the best you could do? Not on your A-game today?" Erza asked in a joking tone.

"Not exactly, no."

Erza leaned back against the wall in a seemingly relaxed matter, not moving from her place on the bench. A real sword appeared in front of her, and without Erza having to move a muscle it went flying toward the same target Gray had used. The sword buried itself up to the hilt, dead center.

Gray rolled his eyes and turned to face the wizard.

"Did you come find me just to show off?" he asked.

Erza shook her head with a small smile. "No, that's not the reason I came. I was meaning to ask if you wanted to come on a job with the team. Nothing too difficult, just getting rid of a group of bandits in the mountains."

  Gray didn't have to think very hard to answer Erza's question. He needed the money, and taking a job would definitely distract him, at least for the duration of the trip.

"I'll go. When do we leave?"

"Meet in the guild hall in a few minutes. It's only a day trip, so you shouldn't have to pack anything," Erza replied and headed for the door. Gray was just getting to his feet when she turned around in the doorway and asked sternly," Do you plan on apologizing to Juvia anytime soon?"

Gray met her serious gaze. They stood like that for a moment or two before he sighed and nodded.

"Is she in the guild hall?"

Erza shrugged her shoulders. "I guess you should go find out for yourself."

With that, the S-class Mage walked out, slamming the door shut behind her. Gray kept his eyes on the door, as if expecting Erza to come back and slap him. But when he decided the coast was clear, he went over to the practice target. Upon Erza's exit, her sword had disintegrated, but his remained. He extended his hand and lightly touched the hilt, watching as the weapon disappeared in a small shower of blue sparkles.


  A few minutes later, Gray climbed the stairs that led from the training room to the main guild hall. The space in the stairwell was narrow, making Gray feel claustrophobic. By the time he emerged from the passageway, Gray's mind was racing; mainly trying to figure out a way to apologize to Juvia without anyone thinking him to be a weakling.

Stepping into the guild hall, Gray saw no sign of the water wizard. Not knowing whether to be anxious or relieved, he made his way over to the bar where his team was sitting and talking to Mira. Gray barely managed to catch the tail end of the conversation.

"Be careful you guys, I've heard rumors about this group of thieves," Mira said with a worried expression.

Natsu cracked his knuckles and gave her a huge smile. "It's nothing we can't handle! We'll wipe the floor with those punks!"

"Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed while circling Natsu's head excitedly.

Wendy nodded. "I don't think you need to worry, Mira! We've taken jobs like this before, and we've always come through."

Wendy was a young blue-haired girl with a constant positive attitude, and she shared Natsu's ability to use Dragon Slayer magic. While Natsu's strength revolved around fire, Wendy got her power from the air. She was an excellent healer and had already mastered many of the Sky Dragon Slayer techniques.

Carla the Exceed looked up at the girl from her spot in the Dragon Slayer's arms.

"You can't blame Mira for worrying, child. These missions are dangerous!"

Her response received a chuckle from Lucy and Erza, and an embarrassed blush from Wendy.

"Especially with pyro over here destroying everything in sight," Gray added from behind.

Everyone turned to face him, just realizing he was there. Natsu glared at the ice wizard.

"What did you call me, Snowflake?" Natsu asked with a threatening gleam in his eye.

Gray glanced over at the hot head and replied," I called you a pyro. You do have an obsession for setting things on fire for no reason."

Natsu and Gray continued to squabble back and forth before Erza looked over her shoulder with a seemingly dark aura surrounding her. "Is that arguing I hear, boys?"

Gray shrunk back on instinct. Living in fear of his armored comrade had become the norm ever since they were kids.

"No ma'am," he and Natsu said in unison.

Erza nodded in approval. "Let's get going. I would like to be done with this job before sundown."

Watching the scene unfold, Mira laughed and said," How silly of me, I have no reason to be worried. Good luck everyone!"

Natsu and the others waved their goodbyes to Mira and headed for Fairy Tail's front entrance. However, Gray decided to hang back at the bar for a moment. Hesitantly, he looked over at the bartender who was now busying herself with wiping down the counter.

"Have you seen Juvia today?" Gray questioned.

Mira looked up and shook her head.

"The last time I saw Juvia was yesterday. She went back to her dorm at Fairy Hills if I'm not mistaken."

Gray sighed. "If you see her can you tell her I stopped by?"

Mira nodded in response. Gray quickly walked away and made his way over to the guild's front doors where his team was gathered waiting for him.

"You're so slow today, I hope you don't hold me back from kicking some serious bandit butt." Natsu grinned, earning an eye roll from Lucy.

Gray shook his head and replied," Wouldn't dream of it. Just leave some for me will ya?"

Bursting out the door with Exceeds flying overhead, the group of wizards set out on their mission.

Little did they know that this one simple job request would set future hardships in motion.

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