Bonus Chapter: Lucy, Levy, and Lily vs. Ryker the Undefeated

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~~~ General Third Person ~~~

  Levy, Lucy, and Lily watched the retreating backs of Gray and Happy before turning to their opponent.  Ryker of Eidolon Wraith stood only a short distance away, a wicked grin present on his face.

  "Those fools," he spat.  "You Fairy Tail wizards don't know when to call it quits."

  Lucy scowled as she returned Scorpio to the Celestial Spirit World.

  "Juvia is our best friend," the blonde stated fiercely.  "She's family.   Abandoning her is not an option, pal."

  "Lucy's right," Levy added from her place behind Pantherlily.  "We'd never leave her to people like you.   Never in a million years!"

  Ryker smirked, or at least did something similar since it was hard to tell with all the ink covering his skin.  "But to my knowledge you didn't always think of Juvia Lockser in that manner.  In fact, Fairy Tail went to war against her and the Phantom Lord guild.  I wonder what changed."

  Truthfully, all the Fairy Tail Mages knew what had changed.  The trio's confident stature did not waver.

  "She met someone and learned the meaning of love," Levy stated calmly.   "We don't blame Juvia for being on the other side of the war, just like we don't blame Gajeel anymore."

  Lily took up a fighting stance and held his huge sword out in front of him.

  "I may not have been around for the fight between Fairy Tail and Gajeel's old guild, but I know for a fact that Juvia is an important part of our family, and we won't be handing her over!"

  The Exceed lunged at Ryker with lightning fast speed.  He swung his sword at the wizard, bringing it down with tremendous force.  The Eidolon Wraith member jumped out of the way with ease.  Ryker shook his head in disapproval.

  "I won't be bested by a cat and two little girls.  Even if you come at me with all you've got there's still no chance of your victory."

  "You'll be eating dust in no time!" Lucy exclaimed.  "Open Gate of the Lion, Loke!"

  The leader of the Zodiac Celestial Spirits appeared in a brilliant flash of golden light.  The young man adjusted his azure-tinted sunglasses and looked Ryker up and down as he fought Lily.

  "You called, Lucy?"  Loke asked with a grin.

  "We need to get this guy out of the way so we can go help the others," the Celestial Mage explained quickly.   "Juvia's life is on the line here!"

  "Say no more.  I'll handle him."

  Loke ran to where Pantherlily was currently engaged in brutal melee combat with the Eidolon Wraith wizard.  The Lion Spirit's right palm began to glow brightly.

  "Regulus Impact!"   Loke yelled.  Ryker ducked to dodge Lily's massive weapon, and in the process granted Loke an opening.  The Celestial Spirit sent his fist right into Ryker's gut, blasting the tattooed man backwards.  Books fell off the shelves one after another as the impact of the man hitting the wall shook the room.  A huge cloud of dust rose into the air from the old documents, making the Fairy Tail group cough and cover their eyes.

  "Do you see him?"  Levy called out to no one in particular.

  "I can't see anything," Lily responded, still holding his sword at the ready.   "Be on guard in case-"

"In case of what, kitty?"

  "Lily!" Lucy screamed as Ryker materialized in front of the Exceed.  Loke was left no time to defend his comrade before the S-Class wizard sent an uppercut to Lily's face and slammed his foot into the cat's chest. Lily flew back towards the girls where he crashed into a table.  Levy raced to his side, Lucy and Loke frozen to the spot.

  "Lily!  Are you alright?"  The Script Mage asked worriedly as she helped the Exceed sit up slowly.

  "Yes, I'm fine," he replied, leaning against the wall for support.   "A single blow won't be enough to do me in."

  "That was pretty impressive Leo, leader of the Celestial Zodiac Spirits," Ryker hissed, turning all attention back to him.   "I've always wanted to have a real fight with a Spirit, but I never thought I would be lucky enough to fight you."

  Loke returned to a battle stance.

  "Well you got your wish.  But now that I'm here, what are you going to do about it?   I'm not going down easily; you've got me pretty pissed off."

  "Be careful!"  Lucy shouted.  "Don't overdo it!"

  "I'll do as much as I have to if it means protecting my wizard and the guild that took me in!" Loke called back as Ryker chuckled.

  "How about a cat fight?  Shouldn't be too difficult for someone as powerful as yourself," the Eidolon Wraith wizard remarked coldly.  "I think lion versus lion will be interesting."

  A tattoo on Ryker's forearm began to glow.   The ink dripped off his skin from the spot and collected in a small puddle on the ground.  The Fairy Tail Mages watched in horror as the ink swirled around in the air to form a body, paws, and mane.   When the process was completed, a huge, black lion was facing Loke.

  "That's like what he did to us on the train ride!"   Levy whispered, her voice wavering in fear.

  The lion launched itself at Loke, catching him off guard and pinning him to the ground.  Lucy and Levy gasped at the sight as Lily tried desperately to get back on his feet.

  "Loke!"  Lucy yelled in terror as the animal tried to bite at her Spirit.

  "I'll help!  Solid Script: Fire!"   The blue-haired wizard shouted, sending the blazing word at the beast.

  The spell hit the lion square in the face.  The animal roared in outrage, but didn't loosen its grip on Loke.  The Zodiac's hands were trapped under the beast's mighty paws, making it impossible for Loke to cast a spell.  Lucy ran forward, panic coursing through her veins.

"Let go of him!" She cried.

"Get back!" Loke yelled at her.

  "This is the end of Juvia Lockser and Fairy Tail," Ryker hissed.  "You'll never win against Eidolon Wraith, so-"

  The wizard abruptly cut himself off.  The Fairy Tail Mages paused as well.  A deep rumbling sound echoed into the room, and in a split second the entire library began to shake.  A blinding blue light flooded into the room like water.  Ryker gasped.

  "It can't be," he said in shock.  "This isn't Lady Althea's magic."

  The light completely filled the room.  Ryker howled in either pain or outrage or both.  The ink lion bellowed as well.  The girls, Lily, and Loke covered their eyes from the intense brightness.

  The azure glow faded a couple moments later.  The Fairy Tail wizards removed their hands from their eyes and took in the sight before them.  Ryker was laying flat on the floor, unconscious. The lion he had conjured up was nowhere to be seen, leaving Loke confused on the ground.  Levy took a step towards the door.

  "We don't have time to wonder what that was," she said firmly. "That light may have worked in our favor, but I have a bad feeling about what it might have meant for someone else."


I hope you guys enjoyed the Bonus Chapter! I was really excited to write this one because originally I wasn't going to show what happened in the battle with Ryker, but I thought this would be more interesting, and a nice treat!

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