Chapter 21

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~~~ Gray ~~~

  "She's been through this way," Natsu called over his shoulder from the front of the group.  "I can pick up her scent!"

  Gray and the others ran through what felt like every hallway following Natsu's nose.  With every second that ticked by Gray's anxiety grew.

  "We'll find her."  He looked up to see Happy gazing down at him.  "Natsu can sniff out anyone."

  All Gray managed to do was nod back.  His nerves were all over the place; he didn't even trust himself to speak.

  After a few moments, Natsu came to a screeching halt.

  "Stop!"  He exclaimed.  Gray, Happy, Gajeel, and Freed did as they were told and came to a standstill next to their companion.

  "What's the problem?  Why did we-" Gray stopped when he noticed it.  A large hole sat in the middle of the corridor, blocking their way.  "I can make an ice bridge so we can keep moving."

  Natsu and Gajeel both shook their heads.

  "I can smell them," the Iron Dragon Slayer explained, pointing at the spot.  "They fell through this thing."

  "Then what are we waiting for?"  Freed asked before jumping in.  Gray didn't waste any time in following him, and soon enough Happy and the Dragon Slayers joined them in the fall.

  The air whistled by as Gray dove further and further underground. 

  "We'll be hitting the ground soon," Freed yelled out.

  Gray landed with ease, as did everyone else thanks to the warning.  Keeping his guard up in case of danger, Gray yelled," Juvia?  Erza?  Wendy?"

  "Carla it's me, Happy!"  The blue cat called while flying around in circles.

  "They aren't here."

  The group spun around to face the source of the voice.  A familiar purple-haired woman sat against the wall watching them, a scythe laid across her lap.

  "What did you do to them?"  Gray demanded, walking over and grabbing her by the collar of her shirt.  "Where are they?"

  She slapped his hand away, obviously irritated.

  "Don't lay your filthy hands on me.  To answer your question, I didn't do anything to your friends."  After a short pause, the girl corrected herself.  "Okay maybe I roughed them up a bit.  But I was beaten either way."

  It was only then that Gray noticed her injuries.  Beaten and bruised was an understatement.  Her skin was extremely pale and the clothes she wore were shredded.  Freed stepped forward.

  "Are you Althea of Eidolon Wraith's S-Class?"

  The girl eyed him suspiciously.  "That would be me."

"You didn't answer the second question," Gajeel pointed out, cracking his knuckles.  "Where are they?  And while you're at it, tell us where Lily and Levy are too."

  "And Lucy," Natsu added.

  "Why should I?"  Althea shot back.  "I'm in a particularly foul mood at the moment so could you please go away?"  Gray looked down at her with eyes that could kill.  Althea met his gaze.  "Funny, the water wizard had that same look in her eyes when I threatened your life, Gray Fullbuster."

  Gray was about ready to knock the lady out right then and there before she held up a hand.

  "You're lucky that I've come to respect Juvia Lockser, or else I wouldn't tell you anything," she stated.  "But since I do, I will give you the answers you want."  Everyone listened attentively as she continued.  "I can assume that the two girls and the Exceed you just mentioned are in the midst of battling Ryker, although you already knew that, didn't you Gray?"

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