Chapter 18

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~~~ Gray ~~~

  "Solid Script: Script Search!"

  A blinding golden light washed over the entire library.   Gray shielded his eyes so he could watch the event unfold.

  The golden light seeped into every nook and corner in the room.  Gray even felt his own head begin to spin, as if his mind were being probed for information.   He shook himself to get rid of the strange feeling.   Looking over, he saw Lucy and the Exceeds do the same.

  Finally, the brilliant light dimmed and faded.  Levy brought her arm holding the shard down, panting slightly.  After a few moments, Happy asked," Did it work?"

  Everyone looked around looked around trying to find some indication that the spell had done what they had hoped.  Levy frowned and looked down at the shard.

  "We don't even know what it was supposed to do," she said.  "How do we know if it actually worked or not?"

  Gray was about to suggest that they look around before giving up when something caught his eye.   Turning, he could faintly see a yellow glow in the other side of a bookcase not too far away.   Following his gaze the others noticed it too.  Without a word, Gray ran over to the bookcase and peered around the corner to try and find the source of the light.  Looking up, he could see a small book on the top shelf glowing a soft gold, but the light was fading rapidly.  Not realizing that his friends had followed him, Gray was startled when Happy flew up from behind and grabbed the book just as the light disappeared from it.

  The blue cat glided back down past Gray and gracefully set the book in Levy's awaiting arms.

  "Hopefully this worked and we can get some answers," she mumbled as she sat down on the cool stone floor.   Gray and Lucy took a seat on either side of the Script Mage while the Exceeds sat in the two's laps.

  Levy began to flip through the pages, scanning the writing at such a rate that Gray couldn't even begin to read a single sentence.

  "Are you sure you won't miss anything by going that fast?" He asked doubtfully.

  Levy didn't respond, but Lucy reached across and whacked him over the head.

  "She uses Script Magic, Gray," the Celestial wizard said with a look that made him realize how stupid he had sounded.

  "So far it's just saying that the shard was born from darkness as a key," Levy murmured, more to herself than her comrades.  "But a key to what?"

  Suddenly, she stopped flipping pages and stared down at something. Hesitantly she pointed at what she was looking at.

  "Guys," Levy started.  "I think I found a picture of what the whole depiction looks like."

  Gray leaned over her shoulder to look and immediately wished he hadn't.  A stabbing pain hit him straight in the heart.

  There on the page was a picture of what the shard looked like when met with the other pieces.  Four human figures were chained to a wall, limp.  The knife from their piece of the shard was lying on the ground near a pool of what Gray knew was blood.  Above each body there was an encircled symbol.  Over the first was the tree that the Fairy Tail wizards had seen on the shard and over the doorway of the first chamber.  Over the second body was what appeared to be a cloud.  The third had a flame hovering overhead.  But Gray could only stare at the fourth.

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