Chapter 6

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~~~ Gray ~~~  

Gray's comrades wasted no time in jumping out into the battle scene.  Lucy leaped out of the way as spells were cast in her direction and Natsu raced towards her, his fists ablaze. 

  "Open Gate of the Lion, Loke!" Lucy cried as she thrust a golden key in front of her.  The leader of the Celestial Zodiac Spirits materialized in front of his summoner.  He appeared to be around their age, with orange spiky hair reminiscent of a lion's mane.  Loke's fist immediately started to glow with golden light and he began to attack the oncoming wizards that were threatening Lucy's safety.

  "Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu roared.  Tendrils of flames wrapped around in the air, surrounding him before being hurtled towards the ground.  Gray hung back and watched as scores of bandits were wiped out in a single shot.  But the men kept coming out of the rocks.  They were all wearing the same thing; green shirts with long, black pants.  Gray clenched his teeth as he saw Wendy and Erza run out into the thick of battle.

  "Sky Dragon Roar!" Wendy bellowed, her voice echoing off the mountainside.  She aimed her attack perfectly, sending several wizards into the surrounding rocks.

  Erza's armor began to glow as she yelled," Requip!  Heaven's Wheel!"  The bright light encased her entire body, and when it faded her armor had completely transformed.  Silver metal feathers encircled her upper half.  Large metal wings were positioned on her back, and a long plated skirt fell just above her armored feet.  A sword materialized in each hand, both adorned with a small pair of white wings near the hilt.  Gray could practically feel the magic power radiating off of her.  

  Gray leaped onto a boulder overlooking the battle.  He kept his eyes locked on where the enemy was coming from, watching as more and more wizards jumped straight out of the stone.

  There is no way that all of these guys could be using the same magic to come out of those rocks, Gray thought. Someone is sending them through from an outside location.

  Gray jumped down from his perch, knowing what he had to do.  Taking them out at the source was the only way to stop the bandits from coming, the sheer numbers were capable of overpowering the Fairy Tail wizards if it continued.

  Running straight toward the mass of enemies on the road, Gray shouted," Ice-Make: Lance!"  Putting his fist over his palm, Gray shot a flurry of pointed ice weapons into the hoard.  Men yelled in panic as their comrades fell to the ground unconscious after being hit. Gray took the chance and raced through the now-open space in the road to the other side.  Dodging several magic attacks, everything from Wind Magic to Plant Magic, he dove behind a large rock and took cover.  Turning his head to look up the road, Gray could see his friends fighting side-by-side, although they already looked worn out.  Not too far away from Gray's position were the rocks in which the bandits were coming from. 

  Getting to his feet, Gray dashed toward the area.  About every minute, an enemy would dive through the rock and join the battle, so Gray took caution in his timing.  As he approached, the magic coming from the rocks was enough to make the hair on Gray's arms stand on edge.  There had to be a wizard in the vicinity to produce this many portals for the bandits to go through.  Gray kept alert as he ducked behind one of the portal rocks.  As he leaned his back against it, Gray could feel the magic energy making the rock vibrate.  To say it made him uneasy was an understatement.

  Luckily, none of the enemies that had attacked Gray earlier had pursued him.  But if he were to appear now he would be a guaranteed target, especially with his friends being all the way up the road.  Gray was about to continue on when he heard a voice.

  "Keep moving you imbeciles!  We can take those fairies out in a matter of minutes!" The deep voice demanded.  The shout had come from only a few meters away behind an outcrop.  Inching forward, Gray stopped and peered around the side of the stone.  Standing with his back to Gray was a large man dressed in the same outfit as the other bandits.  Brown hair sat messily on his head, and Gray could just barely make out a tattoo on his right arm.  Straining to see around the man, he noticed a large, purple Magic Circle on the wall of the rock.  The suspicious man had both arms outstretched toward the Magic Circle, and it was easy to identify him as the caster of the spell that was allowing the bandits to move through the boulders.

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