Chapter 10

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~~~ Gray ~~~

  The guild was bustling with activity the morning Juvia and the others left for Blue Pegasus.  Every book was taken from the library and laid out on the guild hall tables.  Fairy Tail wizards sat around in groups rapidly skimming through pages using Gale-Force Reading Glasses that allowed them to take in the information they read at a supersonic pace. 

  Gray, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and the Exceeds entered the guild that afternoon after trying to learn anything at the Magnolia Library, but as expected there was no data to be gained.  Gray's eyes scanned the guild, taking in the chaotic scene before him.  Juvia and the other wizards had left before sunrise to make it to Blue Pegasus in good time.  Gray thought back to his conversation with the Water Mage the night before.  He could tell Juvia was on edge; she wasn't one to wander out alone at night with Master Makarov saying otherwise.

  Gray shook the thoughts out of his head and walked over to Mira at the bar, his comrades right behind him.  He took a seat on one of the stools.

  "Any word from the Blue Pegasus group?" He asked the barmaid.

  She nodded.  "Levy sent us a message a few hours ago when they arrived, and in fact we just got a message from her saying they're on their way back.

  "That's a relief," Lucy said with a sigh.  "We could really use Levy right now."

  "Right, but don't forget Freed and the Thunder Legion should be arriving any moment now." Mira winked.

  "It'll be good to have another wizard skilled in Script Magic around to help," Erza remarked.

  Gray was about to add his own comment when the guild's front doors burst open.  Standing in the entryway was an exhausted Jet, who looked about ready to collapse.

  "Jet?"  Mira said in shock as she ran around the bar to him.  The guild had fallen completely silent, and Gray felt his blood run cold.

  "It's Levy and the others," Jet wheezed.  "Our train was attacked by an Eidolon Wraith wizard."

  Gasps erupted all over the guild hall.  Gray stood.

  "We need to go help them right now!"  Wendy exclaimed.

  "How long ago were you attacked?"  Natsu asked.

  "I left there around 30 minutes ago, I came as fast as I could."

  Gray clenched his teeth and his hands balled into fists.

  "I'm going to go help Juvia and the others," Gray announced, turning to his friends.  "If you're coming than you better hurry, because I'm not stopping for anyone."

~~~ Juvia ~~~

  The strange man simply watched Jet take off, not making an attempt to stop him.  Juvia stood at the ready.

  "Why are you here?" She growled, trying to not let her voice waver.

  The man turned his attention back to the Fairy Tail wizards.

  "You have made the master very angry," he said.  "Give me the shard."

  Juvia's eyes widened, and she dared not look at Levy for fear of giving away the shard's location.

  "What makes you think we have what you're looking for?" Gajeel asked, and Juvia could tell he was trying to turn the guy's attention elsewhere.

  "I can sense it's presence.  That shard doesn't belong to you."

  "Well it sure as hell doesn't belong to you!"  Gajeel shouted as his arm turned into a long iron club.  Jumping into the air, he sent it crashing down on the man.  But before the attack could hit it's mark, the Eidolon wizard disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

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