Chapter 8

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~~~ Juvia ~~~  

Juvia was unsure herself about why she had volunteered to accompany Team Shadow Gear and Gajeel the Iron Dragon Slayer.  She knew that she didn't serve any use to them, and that they were more than capable of travelling to Blue Pegasus on their own, but it was as if something was calling to her and she couldn't ignore it.

  As Juvia sat at her small kitchen table, she couldn't help but mull things over.  She was confident that the trip to Hibiki of Blue Pegasus would not be a waste.  But what truly worried Juvia was what the effect of the recent events would have on Gray.  While the Ice Wizard had always been distant, he seemed even more so now that a dark guild had entered the equation.

  Could all of this darkness cast him even deeper into the shadows?  She wondered, worried.

  Finally, Juvia couldn't stand to sit alone with her thoughts anymore.  Leaving her Fairy Hills dorm, she decided to get some fresh air.  The sun was just beginning to set as she made her way outside and down a main road.  The people of Magnolia were still bustling about in the streets, although many shops were locking up for the night.  Juvia kept walking, not going to any particular destination.  Eventually the Mage ended up in Magnolia's South Gate Park.  The large tree in the center of the wide area looked magnificent against the orange sky.

  Juvia walked towards the tree and sat down at its base.  There weren't many people out in the park at this time of evening.  Juvia leaned her head back against the smooth bark and closed her eyes peacefully.

  After a few moments she heard," Don't you know that you shouldn't be outside alone?"

  Juvia's eyes shot open and she sprung to her feet.  Gray Fullbuster was standing only a short distance away, looking at her curiously.  Juvia felt her cheeks become frightfully warm as she blushed.

  "It must have slipped my mind," she replied, just now remembering what the master had said about staying in groups.  "Although, I suppose I could ask you the same question."

  For the first time in ages, Juvia saw Gray smile, if only a little.  Her heart was beating out of her chest, nervous emotions washing over her every second.

  Gray chuckled a little and sat down against the tree trunk.  Juvia hesitated for only a moment before sitting back down next to him.

  "You could ask me that, but I'm not alone anymore, now am I?"

  Juvia felt as if her heart were about to explode.  She steadied herself, knowing that she was looking far too deeply into the meaning behind his words.

  No, you aren't alone anymore, Juvia whispered in her mind.

  The two were silent for a long while watching the orange-sunset sky be replaced by the  dark blue night.  Juvia found it relaxing, even though she was anything but relaxed.

  Gray looked over at her and Juvia could feel her heart start to pound rapidly again.

  "What is the real reason that you volunteered to go to Blue Pegasus?" He asked suddenly.

  Juvia met his gaze briefly before looking down at the soft grass.  "I told you.  I believe that I will be of more use if I travel there."

  "Do you not think that you would be of use back at the guild?"

  "No, it's not that.  The guild has plenty of members helping out.  I know I could find something to do, but I suppose the thought of helping Levy and the others appealed to me.  I think that we will learn something."

  Gray didn't respond, and the pair sat in comfortable silence.

  "I have this feeling," Gray started," that things aren't going to go well for us, any of us."  Juvia looked over at him surprised.  The moon overhead illuminated the park, casting a glow on Gray's features.  "There's this sense of foreboding I have, like something bad is going to happen."

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