Chapter 24

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  ~~~ Juvia ~~~

  "You're just about healed," Porlyusica, the pink-haired elderly woman stated.  "Now get out."

  Juvia swung her legs off the side of the bed slowly.  It had been about three days since she had woken up from her unconscious state, and Wendy and Porlyusica had worked around the clock to get the Water Mage back to full health.  She stood carefully.

  "Be careful for a little while," Wendy said in a much kinder voice than the one Porlyusica had used.  "Take it easy and try to avoid hard jobs.  Your body is still in shock from using so much magic energy at once."

  Juvia smiled, excitement making her giddy.  She bowed to the healers.

  "Thank you so much," the water wizard replied.  "I can't express my gratitude for everything you've done for me."

  Porlyusica snorted and turned back towards the counter. 

  "It's our job isn't it?  Now get going."

  Juvia eagerly left the infirmary after bidding them farewell.  She was feeling much better now that she wasn't confined to constant bed rest.  Her nerves were bouncing off the walls as she climbed the stairs to the newly rebuilt guild hall.  When Juvia reached it, she nearly collapsed with happiness.

  Everything was the same as how it used to be.  Mira, Cana, and the Thunder Legion were all standing around the bar.  Gajeel, Lily, and Levy were occupying their own table, the short bluenette using huge hand gestures to describe one of her books.  Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Happy were standing near the Job Board, the Celestial Mage scolding the Dragon Slayer for something unimportant.  Juvia took in the beautiful sight, and as she stood there people began to notice.

  "Look!  It's Juvia!"

  Soon she was completely surrounded by all her comrades.  They patted her on the back, thanked her, and asked if she was feeling alright.  Juvia wiped away tears of joy as she embraced her friends one after the other.  It was hard to believe that it had only been a little over a week since they had been fighting in Eidolon Wraith.  Awhile later, she managed to separate from the crowd - only to be pulled aside by Mira.

  "Gray wanted me to tell you to meet him in South Gate Park," the S-Class wizard informed.

  Juvia's heart skipped a beat.  She hadn't seen Gray since that time three days ago in the infirmary.  She had been dying to talk to him like he had mentioned.  And now she could.

  "Thank you, Mira," Juvia responded before quickly walking to the door and leaving the Fairy Tail guild hall.

  It was still morning in Magnolia, and the sleepy city was starting to become alive with activity.  Juvia tried not to walk too fast down the street; she could still feel her body wearing her down.  But she was desperate to see Gray again. 

  When she stopped at the top of the staircase leading to South Gate Park, her heart did too.  Gray was sitting on a bench at the base of the stairs facing the large tree in the center of the area.  He glanced behind him, sensing Juvia's presence.  They met each other's gazes, something different in the way they looked at one another.


  Gray watched as Juvia made her way down the stairs.  She could still feel him looking at her, even when she took a seat next to him.

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