Chapter 11

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~~~ Juvia ~~~

  Despite Juvia's exhausted state, she still woke up before sunrise. The words that Ryker had said the day before made her skin crawl.

Until next time, Juvia Lockser.

  Juvia hoped that there wasn't going to be a next time. She trembled at the thought of coming face to face with that tattooed man, afraid she would fall victim to the same paralysis that had plagued her earlier. Juvia also knew that if she did meet Ryker again and if she were to be paralyzed a second time, the outcome would be very different than the last time.

  A few girls were awake, including Erza and Levy who were seated by a window talking in hushed voices. On any other occasion, Juvia would have gone over and joined them happily, but she was feeling anything but normal that morning.

  Silently, Juvia slipped out of the bed that Erza had so graciously lent to her for the night, insisting that if she weren't going to stay in the infirmary she absolutely must sleep in a bed and not on the floor. All the Fairy Hills residents were taking refuge in Erza's part of the building that included five huge rooms, enough to house everyone comfortably. Juvia quietly walked past the few remaining sleeping girls, staying away from Erza and Levy as to not interrupt their conversation. However, she could feel the pair's eyes on her back as she exited the room.

Making her way downstairs and entering her apartment, Juvia pulled on a blue dress and knee-high brown boots. She was set on walking down to the beach. Water always helped clear her thoughts.

If I'm going to go alone I have to be careful, Juvia reminded herself as she left her apartment and the Fairy Hills complex. Who knows if there are any dark wizards in Magnolia.

"Juvia, wait!"

Juvia stopped dead in her tracks and spun around. Seeing that it was only Wendy, she relaxed a bit. Wendy's soft features now formed a very worried expression, eyes shining with sympathy.

"Will you let me come with you?" The young Dragon Slayer asked.

Juvia was quiet for a moment, contemplating. But after gazing into Wendy's pleading eyes, she nodded and turned to continue down the path to the beach. Wendy ran to catch up and eventually feel into step beside Juvia. They were silent until the sand touched their feet. The water wizard looked out at the great expanse of water and automatically felt herself calm down. It was only for a moment though, before all her thoughts came crashing down on her in one huge onslaught. She sunk to the ground.

"I don't really know what happened yesterday," Wendy started, sitting next to Juvia,"but I do know that whatever happened was difficult to deal with. I can see it on your face."

Juvia took her eyes away from the sand and looked over at her.

"I was paralyzed by fear," she finally admitted. "When I came face to face with death, I just stood there, unable to do anything."

Wendy didn't speak for a moment. "That's what you're sad about? Juvia, it's alright to be afraid."

"Not when you're about to be killed," Juvia snapped, the words coming out harsher than intended. Wendy didn't flinch however, but instead reached out and touched Juvia's arm with a small smile on her face.

"We've all faced death before. I know you have for a fact, Juvia. But I find it strange that this one instance left you paralyzed. I have a feeling that the man you faced, Ryker, had some effect on you, maybe it was some form of nullifying magic."

Juvia shrugged her shoulders sadly. "Maybe you're right, Wendy. But what if it wasn't magic? What if it was just me being a coward?"

"I don't think you're a coward," came a familiar, strong voice from behind.

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