Chapter 15

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  ~~~ Gray ~~~

  With every step, the magic energy seemed to grow.  It was so intense that the air seemed to be shaking.  Gray trudged along with the others, trying his best to remain focused.  He kept casting sideways glances at Juvia; although he seemed to be doing it involuntarily.  Her eyes kept darting around surveying the surrounding area constantly.

  Gray slowly leaned over to her, keeping his voice low.

  "Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked.

  Juvia nodded.  "As long as we all stay together, I'm sure I'll be alright."

  "And if we get separated?"

  Her mouth formed a thin line.  "I can hold my own, I'll be okay."

  Gray didn't doubt her power in the slightest.  Juvia was extremely smart and resourceful, and her magic with incredible.  But he couldn't help but wonder what she would do if she came face-to-face with one of Eidolon Wraith's S-Class wizards alone.  Or more importantly, what they would try to do to her.

  Lucy suddenly came to a complete stop at the front of the group.

  "What is it?" Natsu asked.  "What's wrong, Lucy?"

  Without a word, Lucy lifted her hand and pointed to something in the distance that her eyes were fixated on.  Gray and the others followed her gaze, and everyone seemed to inhale at once.

  From the group's current position, they could make out two huge, looming black spires that rose high into the sky.  As the Fairy Tail wizards continued towards the structure after their brief stop, they saw that the spires were attached to massive towers.  Gray's breath hitched in his throat when he finally caught sight of the full building.  Juvia too became stiff at his side.  The whole group stopped on a ledge overlooking the area.

  The structure looked like something straight off the pages of a fictional book.  The two towers pierced the sky menacingly.  The rest of the sinister place resembled that of a castle, only on a much grander scale.

  By this time, the magic energy coming from the thing was off the charts.  Gray had to clench his teeth to keep from groaning in pain and frustration.

  Erza took a step forward, and the magic energy in the air disappeared.  Everyone exchanged confused looks.

  "Let's hurry before it comes back," Freed said.

  In sync, the wizards rushed across the rugged rocks toward the Eidolon Wraith guild.  There was nowhere to take cover and sneak in, so the only option was to take the place by storm.  Not their finest moment, but it was something.

  Erza drew two swords out of thin air and kept them at the ready at her sides while she ran.  Fire enveloped Natsu's fist, and Lucy got out a Gate Key.  But as they were nearing the building, the ground began to tremble with tremendous power.

  "What's happening?" Wendy shouted, eyes wide.

  "Everyone watch-" Levy started, but never got the chance to finish.

  The earth beneath their feet gave way, and a massive fissure opened up.  Screaming, the wizards had nowhere to go but down.  Gray desperately searched for his comrades but to no avail as the darkness threatened to swallow him as he tumbled through the air.  He could hear them yelling nearby, but there was no possible way to see them; Gray was completely helpless.  That is, until he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

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