Chapter 16

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~~~ Juvia ~~~

  Juvia stumbled down the never-ending hallway.  Her entire body ached after being thrown this way and that by whatever had caused the ground to move.  She heard nothing but her own footsteps as she searched for any sign of her friends.

  We can't stay separated for long, Juvia thought nervously.   This is exactly what Eidolon wants; they'll pick us off one by one.

  Juvia came to a halt when she found herself at a split in the hall.  Her magic had been absent ever since that gust blew past her and the others earlier.  But what she found strange was that, despite her lack of magic, she was completely fine.  Obviously it was a form of Nullification Magic that someone had cast on the group, or else she would barely be clinging to life.  If her magic had completely vanished, Juvia would undoubtedly be incredibly ill or dead, as would her companions.

  Juvia didn't realize it until she had snapped out of her thoughts that she had wandered down one of the hallways.  It was also at that moment that she felt a surge of power ripple from within her and course through every vein.  She could also see that she was faintly glowing.

  I can feel it; my magic is back.  But how?   And why would they give it back at a time like this?

  The glow surrounding the water wizard dimmed before fading completely.  Hope and confidence filled Juvia as she was about to keep marching down the passage.  As she stepped forward, a faint whistling sound could suddenly be heard coming down the hallway straight towards her.  Juvia had barely enough time to enable her Water Body ability before a sword ripped through her stomach.  The weapon simply clattered to the ground behind Juvia after it had exited her body.  Returning her body to normal, she let out a deep breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding.  Cautiously, Juvia bent down and looked at the sword, all the while keeping a close eye on the darkness from which it had came.

  The sword had a long silver blade and a hilt adorned with a pair of white wings. It all looked vaguely familiar, until several solid memories washed into her mind at once.

  "I know this sword," Juvia murmured and stood.  Looking down the hallway, she hesitantly called out," Erza? Are you there?"

  "Juvia?" A smaller, more high-pitched voice called back.

  Juvia couldn't help but smile as she ran towards the voice.  Rounding a corner sharply, she nearly knocked straight into the petite figure.

  "Wendy!" Juvia exclaimed as the Dragon Slayer embraced her.

  "You aren't hurt are you?"  Wendy asked and looked Juvia over.  "We were so worried!"

  She hadn't realized it until then but Erza was standing over them, glowing sword in hand.  The light it gave off was fantastic and allowed Juvia to see them both clearly.

  "Sorry about the... sword," Erza apologized, although she didn't look too worried or apologetic.

  Wendy bowed her head.  "I'm so sorry.  I felt the breeze change nearby as if someone was coming.   I thought it was an enemy."

  Juvia was about to reply reassuringly when another voice came from behind the young girl.

  "You need to be more careful, child," a certain white feline lectured. "You could have gotten her killed."

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