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Meaningless seconds dragged into pointless minutes and those minutes dragged into empty hours. The line between day and night blurred. Everything seemed to be some shade of blue or black or grey. I felt like I was drowning. I didn't want to leave my bed, I didn't want to see people; in fact I didn't want to do anything. I can't remember when the last time I ate was, maybe a day or two ago. Whatever, I didn't have an appetite anyway. Mum came in not long ago, or maybe it was a while ago, I'm not really sure. All she did was yell at me for locking myself in my room and not going to school for two days. Two days...was that all it had been? Funny, it really did seem like longer. My room had an ensuite and a mini fridge, so I was still going to the toilet, I'm not sure if I had showered though. Everything was hazy at the moment and it was hard to remember much. I felt tired...so tired.

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