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I sat in the car nervously drumming my hands on the glove box along to the beat of the songs paying on the radio.
"I haven't seen you this excited in ages," mum laughed.
"I'm kind of nervous but yeah, mainly excited. You know I could've just walked there right? Like, it is literally a ten minute walk- max."
"Yeah, I know but I couldn't help myself! I want to meet your lovely new friend, he sounded quite cool on the phone. Oh, and his parents too of course! You know how I am."
"Yeah, I do."
"Oh my god, I love this song!"
"What so- no! I hate this song,"
Mum hummed along with the song, Girls just wanna have fun, until it got to the chorus. Once it hit the chorus she starting belting out the lyrics and doing as much dancing as was humanly possible while still driving and not killing us. Normally, I tell her to turn it off but I was going to get to see Chit and that had me in a good enough mood to be able to withstand the torture. I looked at her and couldn't help but smile, she was obliviously happy and that was enough for me.

I watched the world zoom by outside, houses blurring into a multicoloured smudge of colour. Suddenly the car pulled to a stop and we were there. The house was a mix of cottage and cartoon; with its white picket fence, sky blue wooden boards and neat cobblestone pathway, but it seemed to work. As we walked up to the front door mum was practically bouncing with excitement while I felt like I was about to throw up from the nerves I was feeling. What if Chit's new friend doesn't like me? What if I don't like him? What if we hate each other? What if I just ruin this weekend for Chit? What if we get caught? The questions ran through my head over and over as we stood there and mum rang the doorbell. As the door opened I was faced with possibly the cutest girl I'd ever seen.
"Levy! I told you not to get that."
She rolled her eyes before turning and disappearing inside the house.
"You didn't tell me he had such a cute sister. She was really cute, hey?" She looked at me with her eyes narrowed, as if she was testing me.
"Y-yeah, I didn't know he had a sister." I said in false shock, hoping to convince my mother that her cuteness had stunned me quiet.
"Sorry bro." The girl was now replaced by a tall guy who smiled lazily at us before continuing. "Oh, hey Mrs. Dalton, it's great to meet you." As he said this he turned and nodded for us to follow him inside.
"It's Ms. Dalton but yeah it's nice to meet you too. Are your parents home?" she looked around carefully, analyzing and judging everything down to the last details.
"Uh, no they're not. They get home later tonight." He said as he collapsed onto the couch.
"Oh, will you kids be alright until then?" Mum asked worriedly.
"Well yeah. We're just going to snack and play video games, it's not like we're gunna throw a party. Plus my sister is going to her mates place soon so. Ugh, you're not one of those parents are you?" The guy- Chad? Chuck? Whatever his name was- was testing her patience and I was enjoying it a little too much. She cringed in response, like she'd been kicked in the stomach.
"N-no! Of course I'm not. I was just checking." She replied defensively.
"Oh, cool 'cause Jake told me you were cool but I was starting to pick up some un-cool vibes." What's-his-name was seeing how far he could push her, and she clearly wasn't enjoying it.
"Sorry about her man. She does this every time she meets one of my new friends." I rolled my eyes as I said this and turned my back to my mum so that she couldn't see the smirk forming on my face.
"No, I don't honey. Sorry, I couldn't help but notice that we're in the lounge room but I can't see any game consoles." No, no, no, no, no! She'd figured it out. She'd seen through everything. Shit!
"Well, we can't set up a gaming marathon in a family room that'd be ridiculous! It's all down in my room fully set up and ready to rock and roll." He replied casually, not even flinching at the question. So easily that is seemed like he himself believed that's what we were actually going to do.
"Oh, I guess I better get out of your hair then, Jakey. Bye boys, have fun." She waved over her shoulder as she slowly made her exit.
"Cya, Ms Dalton" What's-his-name half waved with the same lazy smile spread across his stupid face. He was my replacement? Seriously? This stupid, lazy jock with half-assed attitude?
"Yeah, bye mum" I waved.
"Thank god she's gone. I don't know how much longer I could've kept that up. I'm not really a dick at all and it was pretty hard to act like it for so long. I hope she bought it. Did you think it was convincing enough?" He looked to me nervously as he rambled on.
"Oh, yeah. I definitely thought it was believable." I confirmed as I thought about it all. He was just acting? If he was that good at acting then how do I know what I see now is the 'real' him? How do I know that this isn't just another act? How can I trust somebody who's so good at lying?
"Okay, good. So hey, I'm Chris and I'm Chit's friend." He introduced himself with a broad smile, waving awkwardly.
"Hey, I'm Levy!" She yelled as she ran down the stairs with a smile from ear to ear.
"Oh yeah, that's my sister Levy, she's also Chit's friend."
"Yeah and I'm in the same year as you and Chit!" Levy interrupted as she came and sat on the arm of the couch between Chris and I.
"I'm not." Chris interjected.
"One at a time guys, please." It was too much at once and I just need them to slow down.
"Okay." They said in unison which caused all of us to burst out in laughter.
"Hey. Hi. How ya doing? I'm Chris and I'm in year twelve," Chris cleared his throat before re-introducing himself.
"Hey- Levy. Um no I didn't mean it like that I meant like 'Hey I'm Levy' um anyways I'm in year eleven." She stuttered awkwardly and tried to shake off her frown.
"Hey I guess. I'm Jake and um...I'm Chit's best and oldest friend." I smiled as I made the ta-da gesture.
"Aha no need to get territorial bro we just wanna hang."
"Oh, I wasn't- I didn't, I'm sorry. I want to hang with you guys too so um, okay cool" I fumbled for the words but just couldn't seem to find them. I was being so un-cool, damn it.
"Well, I do. Levy on the other hand-" Chris teased until Levy cut him off.
"Chris! Shut up! I do not!"She gave him an agitated look before turning to me and continuing, "Ignore him, please"
"I can see how you're Chit's friends." I laughed. They were amusing, that much was obvious and Levy was stunning so I could see why Chit's friends with her but Chris? I can literally find nothing good about him.
"Aw, thanks." As Chris smiled his eyes crinkled and the dimple in his right cheek was extenuated. When he smiles like that it makes him look sort of Asian. I'll have to try to remember to ask him if he is or not.
"I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not." Levy asked with scrutiny as she turned around a corner into another room.
"Wait, that was a compliment right?" With a furrowed brow Chris asked this loud enough for Levy to be able to hear the conversation room whatever room she'd disappeared to.
"Right." I joked sarcastically, before answering him seriously. "Yeah of course it was."
As Levy re-entered the room we all erupted in awkward laughter. We did that thing where everyone's laughter seems to wane at the same time and then we all re-erupt in laughter because of how uncanny it is.
"Um, so do you like dogs?" Chris asked once we'd all calmed down enough to be able to speak again.
"Oh my god yes! They're the cutest things ever!"
"Omg yay. My dog Harley is so adorable you're going to love her so much. She does this really cute thing where if she wants to go for a walk she'll bring you her leash and if she wants to play fetch she'll bring you the ball. It's so cute. She always greets me happily when I get home and snuggles up on my bed every night. She's so fluffy and cute, you're going to love her! Wanna come meet her?" Chris rambled in excitement. He got up and clapped his hands together before leading me through the house.
"Wait, you guys- Chit's waiting for us..." Levy's voice faded as we got father from the lounge room but the same thought had been tugging me since mum had left.

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