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I had no idea when they'd be back and I was kinda really excited. An all weekend sleepover party with my closest and best friends. I hope Jake likes them and I hope they like him. This weekend can either go really well or really badly and currently I wasn't sure which way it would go It was still hard to believe that I'd made new friends and they actually liked me. There'd been times in the past where I thought I'd made new friends but they just wanted something. These guys didn't and it was almost unbelievable but over these last few years I'd learnt not to generalise people. In my house we had adjoining guest bedrooms, each with a double bed and an ensuite connecting them. We sometimes have some of Mum and Dad's associates or our family stay so it's a really convenient set up. Naturally we'd have Levy sleep with Chris and me sleep with Jake. I mean, anything else would just be weird. Not that I hadn't thought about it, no. That's weird and she's just my friend. I can't do anything, at all to jeopardise that. If I screwed things up with Levy I'd also lose Chris and then it'd be just me and Jake. While there's nothing wrong with that, I really like these guys and don't want to stuff it up. I got out a towel for each of them and laid it nicely across the bed, just like a hotel. Then I ran down the stairs two steps at a time and somehow managed not to end up on my face. I had to pause at the bottom to applaud myself before I headed over to the TV to set up the consoles. The Wii, Playstation and Xbox ready with all four controllers for each restocked in batteries. I had a few of the classic favourites for each game lined up so that we had a choice. Now, what to do about the seating arrangements? I honestly had no idea what I was doing but decided to just go off what I'd watched on some YouTube videos at some ungodly hour one night in my pathetic boredom. From memory, the lounge room was a sea of fluffy pillows and blankets and I had no idea why but it seemed to be a hit so next thing on the agenda was to turn my lounge room into pure fluff. It wasn't easy and I fell over a lot, mainly on the blankets but sometimes on my feet and it was the first time this afternoon that I was glad that nobody had been there to see it. Once the lounge room was comfy enough and had enough blankets, because let's face it, it was going to be bloody cold tonight and every night this weekend just like it had been this entire month. I looked around and smiled, all of that had taken me half an hour and while that seems like a long time it just flew by. I was happy with what I 'd accomplished and they'd be here any minute now.

Actually, they came twenty minutes later and I'd gotten too distracted in practicing Mario Kart to care. The doorbell rang so I got up to answer it and before me stood a very happy Levy, a complacent Jake and a cheerful Chris.
"Hey guys!"
"Hey!" Levy replied excitedly.
"Yo." Jake followed with a head nod.
"Hi!" Chris waved his hand as he smiled.
"So um wanna come in?"
"Yes! I'm so excited!"
"Me too!"
I looked at Jake and he smiled bashfully which in-turn made me smile. I'd missed him and I'd missed this and I was so happy to have it back. I turned and they all followed me into the house. I heard an assortment of 'whoa' and 'wow' but I'd gotten used to that reaction. The only reaction that made me smile was Jake's, because there was no reaction. His presence was always one i enjoyed, just being around him made me comfortable and unbearable situations bearable. I guess that's what happens when you grow up with someone else, they become an important and concrete part of your life. Once Chris and Levy had stopped ogling everything on the way to the lounge room I turned around and smiled at them before simply saying, "Go for it, I know you guys want to explore." It was partially because I knew that they wanted to and partially because I wanted just a little time alone with Jake, to catch up.

After about ten minutes Levy and Chris returned from whatever far corner of my house they'd been exploring. It was ten long minutes of total awkwardness alone with Jake but I still managed to enjoy it nonetheless. I'd missed his company, our random, nonsensical conversations and pointless laughter. I'd missed him, I'd missed my best friend- which was weird. I'd seen him all week, every day at school but missed this- this time outside of school where we could just have fun. Levy followed Chris into the lounge room and flopped down face-first on my excessively large couch. When I say large I don't mean long, yeah it dominants the entire lounge room but the lounge room isn't really that big there's only about a meter between the end on the couch and the TV, which is also excessively large. Chris just sort of stood there, trying to figure out where to sit I guess. Eventually he sat in the other corner of the couch, opposite from Levy while Jake and I sat in opposite corners of the couch on the floor. Suddenly Levy pulled her head out of a cushion and started gasping for air, which made all of us burst out  in fits of laughter as her already red face turned a darker shade. After we'd all collected ourselves, Levy got up and extended her arm to me.
"Weren't we going shopping?"

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