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I woke up feeling like absolute crap. I was tired and sad but I was mostly hungry. It was about midnight and I'd slept since I got home from school which was about four pm. I honestly couldn't be bothered cooking, so when I got downstairs I decided to settle for instant noodles and a can of Coke. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Of course, there was nothing on, so I decided to change over to the DVD player. The third season of Modern Family was already in so I hit play and it started from where I'd last watched. It didn't take long before I was in involuntary fits of laughter. That, the Coke and my Mi goreng noodles were improving my mood more then I'd like to admit. If only I had someone to share this with.
I decided to go back to my room and find my phone to text Jake. I wrote and rewrote my sentence more times then I dared to count and in the end went with a simple, Hi. Just as I clicked send another message popped up.
Oi Chit.
It wasn't a number I recognised but this person knew my name and it worried me. Who was tormenting me this time?
So it wasn't exactly a nice reply but 1) I wasn't in the best mood and 2) I didn't know who this was.
Oh, so you'll talk to me? I thought we'd done something to make you hate us but no, you just won't talk to her.
What? Hate you? Her?
Do you know how much you upset her? She's still sulking and I've done everything I can to cheer her up. It may have only been a week but she- no, we both really liked you. I don't know what to think of you now.
Tell me one thing? Why'd you do it?
Oh...hey Chris. I didn't mean to hurt her...I really didn't. In truth I probably saved her a lot of torment.
I forgot that I gave him this number.
He was pissed.
Yeah, look can we do this in person? Hear me out before you beat me to a pulp though, okay?
I couldn't do this...not like this, over text. I'm not sure how it will go in person, but if he's going hit me, at least I'll be expecting it.
Maybe. Bus stop, now.
What? Now?
It's like, one in the morning Chris.
Now Chit.
I went upstairs and changed into some clothes and threw a jumper over the top because it was likely to be in the negatives temperature wise. As I left the house I found out that I was right, it was freaking freezing.

"Hey," I shuddered from the cold as I approached Chris. Surprisingly, he didn't look angry, he just looked...defeated.
"Explain. Explain it to me, please. Why would you do that? I thought we were all friends. I've been through all of the possible scenarios in my head and I still can't find an answer."
"We were, are, I don't know. I did it because of that. The whispers started Chris, she was going to be tormented, gossiped about, poked at...bullied- do you really want that for Levy? She spoke to me in front of people, she endangered herself unknowingly. If I acted like I didn't care about her and I ignored her then the whispers would stop at 'what was she thinking?' That way Levy wouldn't become an outcast, she wouldn't be bullied and she wouldn't regret anything. I don't want to be the cause of her pain...but this little bit was better than the other option for her." I tried to explain it but I didn't know if I'd actually gotten my point across or not.
"You're a complete idiot aren't you? So basically you were just trying to protect her, right? Have a seat; we'll probably be here for awhile."
"Okay." I said as I took a seat next to Chris. "And yeah...I was just trying to protect her. Are we cool?"
"...yeah I guess we are." He sighed
"No getting my ass kicked then?"
"Oh no, that is still a possibility." He chuckled and I laughed along before timidly asking, "How is she...?"
"Heartbroken." He stated matter-of-factly.
"Oh." That hurt. I was just trying to protect her, I only wanted the best. I didn't mean to hurt her so badly, but maybe Chris was exaggerating.
"Are you going to tell her what I said?" I asked worriedly, if he told her everything she might talk to me at school again, and I'm not sure if I have the strength to do that to her again.
"Probably, not all of it but, I'm going to let her choose which she would prefer. Oh, and I'm going to give her your number." A smirk formed on his face as he said the last sentence.
"W-what why!? Y-you don't have to do that!" I waved my arms around frantically. What was Chris thinking? Why would she even want my number?
"This little thing you pair have is pretty cute, you know?"
"What thing? There's no thing."
"Oh, really? That's good, I was gunna tell you not to bother because she's already got a thing for this jock in my grade." He sighed in relief.
"She does, hey? I hope it works out for them then." I don't know why it bothered me but it did, maybe he wouldn't let her hang out with me in the mornings. What then? I'd lose her just like that?
"You should've seen your face just now, oh my god. You're so hilarious, I was kidding don't get so depressed bro. You like her that much, aww." Chris doubled over in laughter and ended up resting his head on his knees until he had calmed down enough to talk normally.
"...shut up, I-I do not." I looked away to hide my burning cheeks. Although it was freezing and our light source was limited to a dull glow given off by the lamppost just beside the bus stop, I doubted my red cheeks would've passed for anything other than embarrassment.
"Did you...did you just call me 'bro'?" Bro...that's what Jake calls me. I could feel my face drop but that didn't matter. Jake did. I hadn't seen my best friend since Monday."Stay away from my son!" Did she really take him out of school? Did she enroll him in the public school over in Lakes? What happened to my best friend? I couldn't stand this anymore; I have to know if he's okay.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Oh um, nothing. I have to go, sorry." I got up and started to walk away backwards.
"It's almost 3 in the morning, why could you possibly have to go?" Chris looked at me like I was insane but it didn't matter, I had to go.
"I have to, I'm really sorry. We can talk tomorrow if you'd like but I have someone I have to see." I turned on my heel and ran as fast as in the direction of Jakes house.
"... it's three in the morning...who could you possibly have to see?"

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