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The weekend was a blur and it was over way too quickly. Things that had happened kept replaying in my mind as I sat alone in my big house on Sunday afternoon. The others had headed over to Jakes at around one to make up a story of what had happened and what they'd gotten up to. As well as to make sure that they were there if Sarah decided to show up early. I almost asked Levy to stay, to hang back and hang out with me but I didn't want to make things any awkwarder then they already were. The weekend did not go at all how I thought it would but it didn't go badly. We played a lot of video games, ate a lot of junk food and drank a lot of soft drink and we also played a lot of other games. We played video games to start with and the winner changed depending on the game, which was cool. For team games we decided to pull names out of a hat and I got Levy's. I'm not going to lie, I loved the way that turned out and Chris and Jake didn't seem to have a problem with it either. She was really good at games, better than I expected, and in some cases better than me. So there was no cliché me teaching her how to play video games and her falling head over heels for me. She did a victory dance every time she won and it was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen, as was the smile which accompanied it. We played things like truth or dare, never have I ever, spotlight, charades, board games, soft drink pong and table tennis. It was really fun and there was never a boring moment. We went to bed at like ten to eleven-ish and sometimes, that was on the couch and other times we made it to the bedrooms. On one of the nights, I think it was Saturday night, Levy and I were sitting on the couch while the boys were standing up playing sing star. Levy and I were just watching them and laughing when she put her head on my shoulder. She fell asleep there, like that and I didn't want to move or wake her up. She looked so beautiful and peaceful asleep. So I just kept fuelling the competitive fire that had been raging between the two so that they would do more songs and not wake her up. Eventually I laid my head on top of hers and at some point I must've fallen asleep. I woke up with her laying across my lap and moved instantly. I was enjoying it a little too much and had to move, before it got real weird. So I got up and started making brekkie. Little things like that happened repeatedly and I wasn't sure whether she'd figured it out or not but I wasn't going to turn down any chances like that.

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