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I got home from art club at four, an hour earlier than normal, and was surprised to find an empty house. It wasn't often the house was silent and man, I loved it when it was. I didn't bother checking the bedrooms to make sure nobody was home because there's always noise when someone else is home. I went down to my room in the basement and unpacked my bag. I then grabbed my phone and hit shuffle on my music but not before turning it up to full volume. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I ran up the stairs two at a time to go find something to eat. I scanned the cupboard but I didn't see anything that caught my fancy so I moved on to the fridge. In the fridge I didn't really find anything I felt like until I caught sight of a bag of juicy plums. As I grabbed one and shut the fridge I heard a thud from upstairs which was followed by several more, slowly getting louder. Cautiously, I slowly walked upstairs, turning my music down as I got closer. The continuous thuds were coming from Levy's room. I swung the door open violently hoping to catch whoever was inside it off guard. As it flew open I was surprised to see myself come face to face with no one. I looked around and saw nobody until my gaze shifted to the closet. If anyone were hiding in here, that's where they'd be. I opened the cupboard and to my surprise found Levy curled up in a ball at my feet crying.
"Sis...?" I asked worriedly. I haven't seen her cry since she was eight.
"I really am hopeless aren't I?" Her eyes were dull as she breathed an empty laugh.
"What happened?" I demanded.

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