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"Oh, um yeah. That's right. Levy and I are gunna go snack shopping."
Jake looked between Chit and Levy and frowned slightly, but only for a moment before the expression disappeared.
"Okay, don't take too long." Jake said without flinching.
"No detours, you pair." Levy just frowned at me while Chit, fully understanding what I had meant blushed and then turned around bashfully and began walking for the door.
"Bye~!" Levy smiled as she shut the door behind them.
Jake was scowling and I wasn't even sure if he knew that he was doing it.
"Hey, you okay man?" I looked at him, but I could only see half of his face because I was basically sitting behind him, just a little further back.
"Uh- what? Y-yeah." He stuttered uncomfortably turning his head to the side.
"You sure?" I asked as I studied the new part of his face I could see.
"Yes." He stated firmly.
"Ooh defensive, suffering from some jealously perhaps?" I was trying to lighten the mood but it just ended in me sounding like an even bigger ass then I already was.
"No." He said it so instantly that it couldn't possibly be taken as anything other then defensive.
"It's literally written across your face."
"Oh. It's that obvious?" He asked insecurely as he turned to face me.
"Maybe a little." I could feel the sad half-smile forming on my face, out of pity.
"Shit, do you think he's noticed?" He ran a hand through his hair nervously, pushing it out of his face enough for me to see the slight colour alteration before he shook his head and it landed back where it had been before.
"No, but I don't think it'd bother him too much. It's only natural you feel this way." I smiled reassuringly at him which seemed to calm his nerves a little.
"It is?" He asked like he didn't believe me so, I explained.
"I mean, if I'd only had one friend my whole life I'd get a little jealous if they went and made new friends too."
"Oh, yeah...that." He tried to look away but now that he was facing me it was rather difficult to hide any of his face.
"You were talking about something else weren't you?"
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter anyway."
"You sure?" What else could he have been talking about? I honestly didn't know. Unless...maybe he had already formed an interest in Levy and then he saw what was so obvious to everybody but themselves. They quite clearly liked each other but were both too chicken to own up to it.
"Yeah, no I don't know. It's stupid." His brow furrowed as he looked down. He turned around so that his back was to me again.
"You need to talk about it?"
"No, there's nothing to talk about." As he said this he shook his head slowly and he laughed sadistically.
"Well, if you need to, I'm here." I didn't know what I was saying this but I was being serious and honestly, I kind of liked him already.
"Okay, does this make us friends or whatever?" He tilted his head back onto the edge of the couch and breathed out a sigh of defeat.
"You could say that." I could stop the smile sneaking on to my face as I rolled my eyes.
"Wanna break out the video games and get some early practice?" He turned his head and looked at me with a mischievous grin.'
"You're on. Let's go Mario Kart first because I'm terrible at it." I chuckled
"Seriously? Me too!" Jake yelled in excitement before laughing along.
"Alright, I'll set up while you go get us some drinks?" As I walked over to the TV, Jake stood and said,
"Sounds good. Is Coke okay?"
"Sure is." I smiled as he left the room to go find us some Coke's. I bent down at the TV to make sure that the Wii was plugged in and that the controllers were all connected. I looked through the Wii games until I found Mario Kart and then put the disc in. I grabbed two controllers and the remote before getting up and falling back onto the couch. Just as the game loaded Jake sauntered back into the room carrying two Cokes, with straws. He carefully handed me one before falling back into the couch next to me, I handed him one of the Wii controllers with a smirk before saying, "You ready to get beaten?"
"You're on." He smirked back.
We sat and played Mario Kart, game after game after game and it was one of the funnest things I'd ever done. Most of the time I won but it was more 60%-40%, so I didn't overwhelmingly beat him. That said, the computer programmed players beat us both almost every game. We sat and laughed at each other's failures and talked about school and our past relationships. Time seemed to fly by at a rate I'd never really experienced before.
"Hey, what sort of things are we gunna do tonight?" Jake asked after taking a long sip from his drink.
"Who knows. Think Chit has any ideas?" I asked without taking my eyes of the screen, I was coming first and I was not abandoning the opportunity to win against everyone.
"Probably not? We haven't really done this before, remember?" I wasn't sure if he was looking at me or not but he was catching up, I could see him behind me on the screen.
"Good point. I don't really know either. We'll talk about that when they get back, I guess." I half shrugged, which was a mistake. We were now neck and neck and I was not going to let him beat me.
"Guys! We're home!" I heard Levy call from the front door and I was going to get up and go say hi but I was only just in the lead and this was our last lap.
"Guys?" Chit echoed worriedly.
"It's okay. Chris has probably got him posing in some weird position but is actually drawing the lamp next to him or the bowl of fruit he's holding."
"C'mon, the kitchen's this way." Chit laughed.
Jake dropped from second player to tenth in that moment as I crossed the finish line as first.
"Come on, let's go see what they got." I stood and offered a hand out to Jake to help him up.
"Okay," Jake responded half-heartedly as he grabbed my hand and heaved himself up. We walked into the kitchen where Levy was unloading things out of bags and passing them to Chit, who was putting them away.
"Hey, you need a hand?" Jake asked as he threw both Coke cans in the bin.
"Yeah. Jake you can help me put away and Chris can help Levy unpack everything." Chit said cheerfully.
"Cool," I shrugged as I went and stood next to Levy.
"Okay," Jake said as he went and begun helping Chit.

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