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"Awesome! So what are we going to do about Jake? Like do I ring him and be like hey you don't know me but I'm Chris, Chits friend. So you just need to tell your mum you're coming over my house tonight. As in, right now and we're all gunna hang at Chits."
"Yeah, sorta. You need to act like you and Jake are best bros and like a total tool. You think you can do that?" Chit looked at me with a hopeful expression but I wasn't sure if I could pull that off. I know that I do the whole be a dick thing so that people take me seriously and girls like me, but I wasn't sure I could be that and a tool on cue.
"Yeah that's cool. I can do that no problem." I smiled and nodded reassuring so that he didn't notice how worried I was.
"His mum will probably want to either pick him up or drop him off, maybe both."
"It's alright, he sounds cool. I've got this. I'll cover for him so we can all hang out." I smiled and mustered all the cockiness and courage I could before I took one deep breath and hit call.
"Thank you, Chris."

Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Ring, ring.
Every second the phone rang out I got more nervous. I hoped he'd pick up and be smart enough to go along with the plan and I hope this plan works.
"What if he doesn't pick up?" I looked at Chits eager expression and watched it fade to worry.
"I mean, of course he'll pick up! What was I even saying?"
"Hello?"An unfamiliar voice asked irritably.
"Ah!" Chit breathed in excitement as he looked at the phone hopefully.
"Jake, bro! Listen, I got this new video game, Far Cry, and you just have to come over tonight and test it out with me! Y'know get some pizza, some coke, blast some music and game out. Sound cool bro?" I was trying my hardest to sound like one of the guys from the 'cool group' so that if his mum was listening she'd approve. I don't know how she'd approve a total dick over Chit but Chit said that this would work so I'm going off that.
"Um, mum. Do you mind if I take it off speaker now and go up to my room?"
"In a minute, Jakey. You must introduce me to your new friend."
"Phft, Jakey? What is that, some kind of nickname? How cute." I hoped I was being convincing enough as I breathed out the last words in disgust.
"Hello, this is Jakes mother, Sarah. Who might this be?" A cold voice snarked from the other phone. Oh god, oh god, oh god. She didn't buy it, we're screwed! I looked over at Chit in a panic. He looked from me to the phone then made a hand gesture which I guess meant to continue, so I did.
"Sup, I'm Chris. Jake didn't tell you? He finally ditched that loser and came to join my group. We're cool." I spoke cockily. I'd honestly never felt stupider in my entire life then I did right now but I didn't care because I was helping my friend.
"Ah! I'm so happy he's made new friends already! Ooooh! I have a brilliant idea! What if he stayed the whole weekend? Then you could probably finish that video game. That'd be cool yeah?" A young feminine voice replied enthusiastically. Surely this wasn't the same woman who'd just been on the phone. I looked over at Chit confused but he just nodded, silently answering my question.
"That'd be awesome actually, yeah." I found myself smiling, not some fake smile to try to get into character, but an actual smile. I tried not to but she seemed so joyous and bubbly. This had to be another person, maybe I was just imagining the coldness before?
"Do you mind if I drop him off? He could just come home from school on Monday. What's your address?"
"25 Saint Charles St. You reckon you could be here in thirty?"
"'Kay see you then. Can you put Jake back on the phone?"
"Oh, of course I can! Sorry, Jakey! Phone!" She squealed happily.
"Thanks mum. Hi," He sounded pissed but he was being curt anyway.
"Sup. Alright, she gone?" I tried to go back to my voice and talking like me but instead the sentence came out half of each.
"Uh...yeah. I'm in my room with the door open." He was annoyed and was speaking to me like I was stupid, he quite obviously wanted an explanation so I decided to give him it.
"Okay so hey, I'm Chris. I'm not like the prick you heard on the phone but Chit told me it was necessary to act like that was who I am."
"Oh, okay. Wait did you just say Ch-" What a moron did he actually just almost say Chit out loud.
"Stop! Jesus are you trying to blow our cover. Shut up and listen. Laugh in random places like I just said something hilarious and pretend we're having a derogatory conversation about women. That's what assholes do right?" I spoke quickly and matter-of-factly in hopes that he didn't try to say that again.
"Yeah," Jake chuckled, though I wasn't sure whether it was real or fake.
"Good. So I'm Chits friend, don't freak out, he's not replacing you but long story short we met him on the bus and now him, Levy and I are all friends. We're having a sleepover this weekend, well it was just going to be tonight but I suppose it's all weekend now and we-"
"Yes, I mean did you see the size of those? And her ass, damn." He emphasised the damn perfectly and it made me laugh.
"Ah, this is hilarious. Anyway we want you to come but Chit says your mum doesn't like him or want you near him so I thought I'd offer to be your cover. This whole thing, including the sleepover was my idea. Cue laughter."
"Haha. That sounds rad I can't wait to play that bro!"
"Good job, meet you at mine in thirty."
"Yeah, see ya."

"What happened?" Chit looked frantic but I knew that he knew it went well.
"He's coming, all weekend. We'll all stay all weekend if you'll let us. He'll be at my house in thirty so I need to head home. Hopefully Levy is already there and I can make sure she stays upstairs. She'll just make matters worse if she comes home in the middle of it all." I laughed as I picked up my bag, I'd have to take it home again and repack because there wasn't nearly enough for the entire weekend.
"Yes! You can all stay the whole weekend and whenever else you need to. Thank you." As Chit smiled widely his nostrils flared. To anyone else this probably sounded like I was either a total creep or falling in love with him. Neither was true, it was simply an artist's habit, to take note of the little things that make the big things unique. I might draw this later, though I might not. I don't usually think things when I draw; it's just an outlet for me. I simply pick up a pencil and unload.
"I'm off then. Do you want to wait for us before you go get the stuff from the corner store?" I wanted to make sure I got home well before Jake and his mum did. Just so I was settled and didn't have to act more then I already had to.
"Nah , I'll be fine. Oh and don't forget to wait a bit before coming here." Chit panicked.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry we've got this. Be back later." I reassured.
"Yeah, you're right. Okay, bye." He waved me off from the front door as I stepped out onto the street and headed home, again.
I decided to text Levy a simple, You at home?
As I went to put my phone in my pocket it chimed.
Yeah, getting dressed, why?
I'll be home in a min. If you want or need anything outside your room get it now.
Creepy much? But sure. Why?
I'll explain when I get there.
Well, at least she was home. Now all I could do is hope that she'll keep her nose out of it once I explain and just do what I ask for a change. I could hope but I doubted she would. As I walked down to the front door, I thought about how out of place my act would seem. I suppose I might have to find my Playstation and make a mess in the lounge room. That might make it more believable; at least I hoped it would. If she didn't believe it, it'd mean that I'd let Chit down. Harley greeted me at the door as she usually did. I loved her so much so I would never deny her a pat. She was my baby girl and she kept me sane when life was trying to drive me insane.

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