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"You ready to go?" I came out of the bathroom changed into one of my favourite outfits and with a fully packed bag. Harley was curled up on my bed with her head in Chits lap as he petted her with a contempt smile on his chubby face. He looked even smaller sitting there, dominated by Harley. Sometimes I forgot how intelligent Chit was because he looked so childish with his chubby cheeks and how short he was. He somehow still managed to pass for an eighth grader, which in my opinion was quite remarkable. I made him look small but then again I made most people look small. Being 187cm tended to make me stand out in a crowd, especially the school one. Mum and dad say that they think I'm still growing but I doubt it.
"Hey, Chris are we going?" Chit asked as he stood up and walked over to the stairs with Harley in tow.
"Yeah, sorry. I just got a bit lost in thought," I shook my head and followed him up the stairs.
"What were you thinking about? Your next beautiful masterpiece?"Chit semi turned his head, to make sure that I'd hear him as he said this.
"They are neither beautiful nor are they masterpieces, besides you haven't even seen my art how can you know that it's any good?" When we both got out of the stairs I chipped in a quick, "I've gotta feed Harls." With the bag slung over my shoulder, I headed into the kitchen. Chit followed and pulled out a stool at the breakfast bar and sat, watching me scoop dog biscuits into one side of Harley's two-sided tin and mince into the other.
"You have the soul of an artist," Chit said suddenly, causing me to look at him as he paused dramatically and looked off into the distance. He broke out in laughter before continuing, "also your hands. Artists usually have small hands for their size." He said as he nodded towards my hands that held the doggie scoop.
"Ha, ha. Very funny." I couldn't help but look at my hands and ask, "are my hands actually small?"
Hearing this, Chit exploded in laughter and had to rest his head on the bench whilst he tried to calm down.
"Seriously! Tell it to me straight man, are my hands small?" I was freaking out because I realised how stupid I must look being a giant with tiny hands.
"Yeah you have small hands for your size. Relax, they're still bigger than mine. See?" Chit reassured me by holding his palm out. I put mine up against it and was relieved to find that my hands were bigger then Chit's, by a fair bit actually.

"I'll be back later girl, take care of the house for me." I whispered as we headed out the front door, giving Harl one last pat.

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