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"So Mr. Artist, any chance that you'll show me one of your masterpieces? Or is that a strictly-your-eyes-only type of thing?" I asked as I jogged a little to catch up. Here I was speed walking up a hill yet Chris was barely doing a light stroll and I still couldn't keep up, this height difference really was ridiculous.
"Um, the best I can say is a maybe unless you wanted me to draw you something in particular. I don't mind drawing things for my friends, it can be anything. The only catch is that you have to tell me why you want me to draw it. It has to be something with meaning, something that you can and will express your feelings about to me." As Chris spoke his eyes lit up and a broad smile stretched across his perfectly defined face.
"I'll have to have a think about what I want but I definitely want one." I nodded along enthusiastically.
"Oh! You can choose the art style and canvas as well."
"Which means?" I wasn't sure whether I was asking because I wanted the information or because Chris seemed so happy to talk about it, maybe I was asking because of both.
"Like if you want it drawn in a realistic style, cartoon style or if you wanted it painted e-t-cetera."
"Can you tell me all the options for both? Art's really not my strong suit." I felt a little overwhelmed by the sudden overload of art information. This puzzled me because no matter what I learnt or how much new stuff I assaulted my brain with at once, it usually coped. I was curious as to why it wasn't now. I like to learn new things because every piece of information counts. I was only half-listening to Chris ramble excitedly but I was still paying attention.
"Oh well, for styles there's: realistic, cartoonist, manga, abstract plus a few more and then from there you've got painting, sketching, inking and colouring. As for the canvas' you can use just about anything. If you want I can pick out the canvas for you, since you don't seem to have any idea about this." He was waving his arms around as he spoke, doing some interesting hand gestures but I was amazed at how much he knew about art.
"Whoa, you must be amazingly talented. I can't even draw a tree or a face or anything that resembles something, let alone do everything. That's awesome!"
"I'm alright, I suppose. But be warned I tend to draw and sketch little random things, like for example if we're at your house and a photo gives me an idea I'll sketch that and maybe even finalise it, I hope that's okay. I'll try not to if it bothers you." He looked at me with an expression that showed he was waiting for, and expecting a no, that it was not okay.
"Nah, that's fine. But could I see the stuff you draw or whatever if you do?" I just wanted to see how talented he was, and to be in awe of his, presumably, perfect art.
"Um, sure I guess." Chris shrugged uncomfortably.
"So, what did you want to do first?"
"Well, I reckon we should organise Jake then set up the beds and go from there, sound good?"
"Yeah sounds great."I smiled in response.

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