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The whispers grew more constant but they were just words, and to take any offence from them you first had to, even slightly, believe that they are true. I got used to the random 'pranks'. Taking my school books, locking my locker with someone else's lock. All of the awful things I'd convinced them not to do while I was there. It was worth it though, it'd only been two days and I was already so much happier. Even mum and dad had noticed enough that they asked why, Chris almost bagged me out but for whatever strange reason didn't. Maybe he didn't want our parents to know that he'd stopped going to The Arts' rooms during breaks and was instead hanging out with a bunch of eleventh graders- including his sister. Wednesday was a shock. Chris always, always refuses to show anyone his sketchbook, his canvas paintings, finalised sketchbook and final sheet were only allowed to be seen sometimes by certain people, like family and teachers. No one ever got to see his sketchbook, ever. It was like his diary, he carried it with him 24/7 and it was even lockable- and the only key I knew of was worn around his neck all the time. So when Jake first asked, and Chris said no, I wasn't surprised. Even when Chris continued to say no to every offer, every plead and every argument, it was expected but when Chris said yes I almost thought I'd been hearing things. both him and Jake got up and went and sat at that bench. Then he handed his sketchbook over to someone he'd met not even a week ago. I was angry but I was also intrigued. Did he really like this boy so much? I wasn't surprised that the next day neither of them sat with us but instead sat on the tabletop of that bench, back to back. I wasn't surprised that when I asked about it Chris brushed me off. I wasn't surprised that on Friday that sat on the tabletop of that bench again but this time facing each other. Nothing about this surprised me because Chris had let this boy into his life, he'd shown him his sketchbook and they'd grown closer because of it. Chit was surprised and he was angry. I'd asked Chris why he wasn't sitting with us and his answer was, 'When I sit there I get to draw but I also have to involve myself slightly, and that's distracting. Plus it changes little for you pair when I'm there. When we sit away, Jake talks and he watches me sketch and sometimes I say nothing the entire break and that's okay, sometimes he says nothing either. Sometimes he talks the entire break and I say nothing, or I say something small and continue to draw. Sometimes I won't draw and we'll talk non-stop and I will still feel as at peace and happy as I would when I do draw. I like that, and I think he does too.' I thought this was really cute, and was quite honestly the best for everyone but when Chit came over saying that Jake was being vague and brushing him off, I related but I thought it would be best to lie and say that Chris has been doing the same to me because why start unnecessary drama?

Chris went out that weekend a lot and I didn't have to ask where or why he was going, I knew it'd be to see Jake. I spoke to Chit a lot on the phone that weekend, some calls lasted until three in the morning and I enjoyed every second. Even when he spent the majority of three hours complaining about Jake and Chris, I still enjoyed it. He would apologise endlessly after ranting and would beg me to stay when I had to go. He'd constantly be complementing me and end up apologising for that too. I just liked hearing him talk, I liked listening to him and I liked to know that he trusted me.

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