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To @JessicaWilkins979 - for your lovely words <3

This chapter contains A LOT of dialogue, so you are hereby warned, let me know if it as some point is unclear who is saying what!

            "I am a what now?!" Arya had managed to pull herself up onto her feet and she stalked over to her doppelganger, because even as shitty looking she felt standing next to her, she knew they were the spitting image of each other. Well... Apart from the hair, and eyes, and that whole shining aura thing that was around her.

            "This would be so much easier if you would just believe me, Arya."

            "Wait a second... If you are me, and you are calling me Arya, does that mean that is my... our name?"


Exasperated Arya growled and rolled her eyes at the infuriating woman, surging forwards and pushing her back slightly; "why won't you tell me anything? What use are you to me if you won't even tell me-"

            "I already told you what we are."

            "But you cannot be correct. There is no way that-"

            "Ára Anvanya."

Arya stopped her tirade and just looked at her for a moment, mouth hanging open. "That was the name given to us, though in this world you were known as simply Ára."

            "But if..." Arya stopped for a moment, trying to collect her scrambling thoughts; "Gandalf would have had to know who I was then, if... and the name... and-"

            "Not necessarily. We have not always had this form."

Arya groaned and rubbed her hands against her face, exasperation and irritation rushing through her, "alright, let us only deal with one problem at the time, you said I have to take control again. How do I do that?"

Her mirror image tilted her head to the side, staring at her for a while before she opened her mouth to reply – barely getting out a couple of syllables before Arya held up her hand and interrupted her; "hold up. What do I call you? This is weird enough as it is, without me calling you mirror-woman."

            "You can call me Ára. It is our name and one of us should use it."

            "Right," Arya mumbled, shaking her head from side to side, "feel free... Ára."

It was strange saying the name, almost like she recognized it in a way but still could grasp where she remembered it from. Together they started talking about how to gain control of her body again, though most of it seemed like speculation and not really a solution.

More often than not the incessant planning by Ára made Arya's mind wander off - mostly to her pointy-eared prince as she wondered where he was and what he was doing right at this second. Was he looking for her? Was he worried? Did he-


Her gaze shifted up and she locked eyes with Ára, her own eyebrows narrowing as she was pulled out of her thoughts.

            "I know you miss him – and that you worry for him, but we are no good for him dead."

Exhaling slowly Arya nodded her head, before locking gaze with the woman again; "are you bound to him too?"

            "We are one, Arya. Of course I am."

Huffing at the tone of voice she used, Arya grumbled silently to herself for a moment, before realizing how utterly insane it was to be resentful towards someone who was in reality herself – just because she did not want to share Legolas with anyone.

At the End of All Things [LotR / Legolas] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now