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To FangirlBookworm21 - because "Ugh. Emotions. Meh." Yeah, there is going to be a lot of that darling <3


Legolas stayed silent throughout the following days, only showing slight enthusiasm as they finally reunited with Merry and Pippin. They confronted Saruman, and as Gandalf tried conversing with him Legolas stayed immobile until he was asked by Gimli to put an arrow through him and be done with it. Gandalf made him stop, but in the end he ended up putting an arrow through Gríma – though he was too late to stop Gríma from stabbing Saruman in the back. Though he could not find it in himself to feel even slightly sorry for that.

Gimli had tried starting up some form of conversation; but had given up after some time. So now they both sat silently upon Arod, simply following the stream of men as they moved towards Edoras. They reached it during the early morning hours, and places were set up for them to rest before a big feast was going to be held later that night.

As soon as Gimli was off the horse, Legolas grabbed Arod's reins and led him to the stables, refusing all help offered to him as he took of the saddle and started to brush him down. He didn't lie down to rest with the others, simply stayed in the stables as the wheels in his head kept turning - different scenarios and memories battling each other for attention inside his mind. Arod nudged him in his shoulder, making him lift his hand and pet the horse's muzzle affectionately as his mind took him back to the scene that took up most of the space inside his mind – never mind that it had not actually happened. Not yet at least, but the vision he had seen in mirror of Galadriel gave him hope, and hope was what he needed right now.

As dawn drew near he walked out of the stables, opting to go to the outlook post instead of into the great hall which was being decked out with a breakfast so grand that it could rival those his father had held some times. Nodding silently as he walked past a guard he stopped only when he got to the edge of the post where he could stare out at the rolling hills around Edoras. He was so lost in thought that he almost did not hear the old Wizard step up next to him both hands resting on his staff as he leaned on it heavily – his eyes too gazing out into the distance.

"I do not mean to sound ungrateful," Legolas said softly, his voice sounding almost hoarse from the lack of speaking he had done the last two days; "but I do not wish any council at the moment."

"You will be getting it if you wish it or not," Gandalf said decisively, and Legolas could feel his eyes on the side of his face.

"Ára, or Arya as you have come to know her will return."

"How long did you know she was one of you - of the Maiar, I mean." Legolas disregarded what he said completely, instead questioning the Wizard.

"What are you afraid of, Legolas son of Thranduíl? Are you afraid of her because she is not what you thought? Or because it might be what keeps her away from you?"

"I have never feared her, and I do not fear her now after learning of her origin. I do not fear her staying, because whatever she does I hope she chooses what makes her happy. If that means staying in Valinor with her kin then I can not, and will not blame or stop her."

"You have grown much, Legolas – since our very first meeting," Gandalf said cryptically and stayed silent for several minutes before continuing. "You have become wise beyond your years, and your love for Arya has made you stronger – more resilient to all that you have been forced to endure. When I say she will return it is because I know it in my heart – Arya will not be kept away."

"And what if she does not remember?" Legolas asked quietly, though he did not really want the Wizards answer.

"My dear boy; even if she does not remember she will feel your bond to her – and knowing her inquisitive nature she will not be kept away." Gandalf chuckled quietly before looking over at the elven prince again; "is that what you fear then, that she will come back despite not remembering – that the Arya you lost will not be the one to come back to you?"

At the End of All Things [LotR / Legolas] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now