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V - WOHO! Early update!

To @Squeaks01 - for running from Satan (first book is up to 67,3k views now, so I think we are safe)!

            "Are we to come with you when you leave in the morning?" Rumíl , or rather the Darkling controlling his body drawled, his voice now much lower and menacing than the Rumíl she had come to known. Zariel was standing by his side, twirling a blade between his long fingers and looking utterly bored with everything that was going on around him.

Arya barely bothered to watch anymore, her eyes instead locked on her hands that were resting in her lap. She could hear well enough though, and her head whipped up at what the Darkling said next;

            "No, they have already started on their way to Helm's Deep and it will be better if I go alone and spin some story if of how you broke me out but were captured before you could escape. I will call on you if you are needed. You have not yet mastered acting convincingly enough like the elves you have taken over, they will see through you immediately. Especially the Prince of Mirkwood."

            "The Darkling is making her move tomorrow morning, I suspect we will be reunited with Legolas before long." Ára wore a deep frown on her face as she paced back and forth in front of her, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she was deep in thought and was trying to come up with a plan. It did not look like she was successful.

            "It is not like you did shít to help me last time," Arya growled, "I know you did nothing you-"

            "Arya how many times do I have to tell you that I am merely a figment of your imagination, I am just an image your subconscious have created to deal with your lost memories. They are not lost Arya... you have simply pushed them away – hidden them from yourself at the back of your mind. It was the only way to keep the Darkling at bay for long enough to get rid of it. You just never realised that by putting yourself under and pushing your memories to the back of your head you would not realise there was a Darkling inside you in the first place. I cannot help you take over control of your mind simply because you are the one with the powers – while I am just a mirror of you, I have no power to use."

Arya breathed out slowly, her eyes staying locked on Ára through her entire explanation. It was not something new, but it still did not make any sense to her at all.

            "I guess you are not yet strong enough to give it another go?" she looked at Arya expectantly, but her face fell as soon as Arya shook her head from side to side; "I can barely get to my feet, I will have to wait until I have managed to rest up a bit. Besides, I doubt it would do any good now that we are in the room with two other Darklings."

            "You are right," Ára said, nodding her head slowly, "try to rest."

Arya rolled her eyes when Ára said no more and turned her back on her, prompting her to lay down on her back and close her eyes – putting all her focus on blocking out everything around her.

*                        *                        *


He moved his head lazily to the side, his dull eyes settling on Aragorn.


Aragorn exhaled slowly, his eyes worried and a deep frown on his face as he looked at his friend. Legolas moved his eyes again when he realised Aragorn did not really have anything to say, mumbling that he was going to take a look around the perimeter before he slid off his horse and tossed the reins to Gimli before jogging off.

At the End of All Things [LotR / Legolas] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now