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Dedicated to @Izzleariz - for wanting there to be a win button so that I can automatically win the Watty Awards (despite not having entered). Thank you!


Legolas looked at her with uneasiness, his eyes carefully regarding her own, "what do you remember exactly? Do you remember your life before-"

            "No." Arya interrupted him before he could finish, and part of him felt relieved that she still did not have all her memories back – though he knew she would get them back at some point. He was scared of her feeling differently about him, and even though he wished her all the happiness in the world he would rather it was him that got to make that happen. "It's almost like a flashback, like I can remember something that has been done before but can't really see the faces of those around me or know how I know this."

            "What do you need?" She stopped and took a moment just to look at him, a smile curling at her lips; "just like that?"

            "Whatever you need," he replied, a smile tugging at his lips as well.

            "I need a cage, and it needs to be of steel, or maybe underground with a steel door?"

Legolas nodded his head and then turned around, quickly catching the attention of Gimli who was standing not too far away from them; "Gimli, tell the King we are going to have a meeting with him. Right now."

*                        *                        *

            "Why does she need a cage?"

Arya could not stop herself from rolling her eyes – her fists clenching by her sides as she felt the pressure return inside her mind; "because I am about to change into something that will not hesitate killing off each and every one of you."

Swords and spears were pointed at her immediately, and she felt Legolas pull her behind him, his whole posture rigid as he drew his twin blades.

            "I wouldn't do that," Arya said calmly, unaffected by the sharp tips of the weapons surrounding her as she placed a calming hand on Legolas' shoulder; "if you hurt me, she will only make her appearance quicker – and I will not be able to stop it."

            "Lower your weapons," Legolas growled, his face hard and unforgiving as he glared at each and every guard in the room.

            "As you wish," King Théoden said, gesturing for them to follow him down into the caves. They walked for a while, Arya's resistance to the pressure inside her mind growing weaker with every step. Her eyes were flashing now, and Legolas glanced at her every other second to make sure she was still holding up ok, seeing her eyes flash every time:



Fiery Orange


*                        *                        *

            "Here," Théoden said at last, gesturing for a cage that was built into the mountain, the metal bars thick and sturdy. "This is the most remote and secure cage we have at the moment."

            "It will have to do," Arya groaned stumbling forwards to wrap her fingers tightly around two of the metal bars. "Please do not disturb or touch me as I make it secure," she whispered – making Legolas step to the side so that he could watch her face and what she was doing without touching her in any way.

Her eyes were closed, and as she said soft words in a tongue he could not understand he saw blue light come from her hands, traveling up and down the metal bars almost moving as flames. She stumbled back when she was done, her eyes opened but hands clenched as she stared at the cell.

At the End of All Things [LotR / Legolas] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now