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To @Elsa_Styles1d - for being slightly ambivalent over wanting her to get her memories back but also liking the new Ára. 

She had become unaware of the warm hands that were framing her face, but she became acutely aware of them again when they slowly pulled her forwards. Her eyelids fluttered shut without her giving it much thought, and she could almost feel a familiar feeling flush over her as she felt Legolas' nose nuzzle against her own.

"Ára," he whispered, a slight hitch to his voice before she finally felt his lips gently brush against hers. She almost whined, thinking he was about to pull back – but he didn't. Legolas fingers steadied her head, his warm palms gently turning her head sideways to deepen the tentative kiss. He pulled away after a while, his forehead resting on hers as he inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly.

"It feels like forever since I last did that – even though the reality is that it last happened only eight days ago."

"Much has happened since then," she replied softly – her eyes staying closed as he held her head close to hers still; his nose gently nuzzling hers as his lips occasionally brushed hers when either of them spoke.

"Indeed," he murmured before pulling her forwards and connecting their lips firmly once more. The way his fingers gently framed her face almost felt more intimate than the kiss itself; his thumbs gently brushing against her cheeks as he held her securely against himself.

She opened her eyes as he pulled away again, and was glad she did as she caught his expression before he opened his eyes. His lips were curled slightly upwards, and his expression was serene – he looked happy.

Tentatively she raised her hands as well, the tips of her fingers gently brushing along his cheekbones. She had been unsure as to why she felt the sudden need to touch him – but once her fingertips grazed his cheeks and gentle electric currents travelled through her fingers and up her arms she realized that her subconsciousness was practically screaming for her to get as close to him as she possibly could. Because even if she couldn't remember all the details or things they had been through her subconscious knew him, it was familiar with his touch.

Legolas' eyes flickered open slowly, the blue hue of his eyes deep and content. The small smile on his face grew slowly as he looked at her, until he was beaming at her with the brightest smile she could remember him ever gifting her with.

She bit her bottom lip as she looked at him; shyness suddenly creeping up on her. His thumb moved over her lip until he gently nudged it out from the harsh hold her teeth were holding it in – his eyes staying on the slightly swollen lip for a long time before they flickered up to meet hers again.

"Thank you," he said suddenly – taking her by surprise. Furrowing her eyebrows she looked at him with a curious smile; "it must have been weird for you to kiss me since you don't remember – while for me it –"

"-It wasn't weird," she interrupted him, making him stop abruptly. "I am bound to you, Legolas. No matter what I remember I will always be drawn to you. Just now, I surprised myself by wanting to touch your face as well – like you are doing mine – but I have realized that parts of me do remember; at least some things."

Laughing, he pulled her closer; his lips pressing against her cheeks, forehead, nose and lastly her lips once again.

"What about you?" She frowned; "I'm not the same and –"

"But you are," he whispered softly, his thumb gently rubbing along her right cheekbone as he leaned forwards again, his lips brushing hers ever so softly; "there is just more... you than before – and though I am still getting used to it, I am happy that I don't have to share your time with anyone else – even if it is another consciousness inside of you."

At the End of All Things [LotR / Legolas] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now