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To @JessicaWilkins979 - for wanting there to be a 'love button' on top of the vote button.

Legolas was watching her closely as she spoke, just as closely as Arya was paying attention to his every move – hoping to see just even a flicker of a sign that he knew it was not her doing the talking. He did not seem to see it though, his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched as he listened to the Darkling give some sob story of how horrible it had been when she had been locked up.

It had been horrible of course, but Arya was the one who had actually suffered through it. As far as she knew the Darkling did not feel pain, and it certainly felt no emotions what so ever over the loss of anyone with the exception of her mate. And even that was only a very weak maybe.

            "It was horrible, Legolas, horrible!"  Another sob wracked through her body and Legolas leaned forwards, his arms wrapping tightly around her as she continued; "I was so scared I was not going to see you again." Legolas stayed silent and did not reply, but held her close and rubbed her back gently. The entire night was spent like this, and Arya had stood straight with her fingers curled tightly into fists, her jaw clenched to the point that it was actually hurting.

After a while she turned away, unable to watch him fall over himself to comfort the Darkling, and she sat down – wrapping her arms tightly around her legs as she rested her chin on her knees.

            "Don't give up, Arya. We will find a way."

Arya nodded, but could not help to wonder if it would already be too late by the time they managed to break free from the Darkling's clutches.

*                        *                        *

Most of the next day passed in a blur, Arya only focused in on what was happening from time to time, but she was sick to death of watching the Darkling fool everyone, and only watched the bare minimum of what she had to. The Darkling was soaking up the attention, but she acted cold towards most people aside from Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn. Most of the people were still enamored by her though, though Arya could not fathom why.

It all came to a head when they – effectively meaning the Darkling and Legolas - wandered off to get a look of their surroundings, their hands clasped together tightly. Arya was grumbling angrily to herself, and Ára was watching her amusedly, telling her there was really only one thing she could do about it. She would have to take control of her mind if she wished to do something about it.

This only made Arya grumble some more.

* * *

It was almost like she sensed something was about to go wrong just moments before she could see the Darkling glance down in time to see Legolas release her hand, his hand reaching for an arrow.

            "What are you doing?"

            "Shh," he answered the Darkling, eyes narrowed as he gazed at two of the Rohans who were sitting on their horses underneath some rocky cliffs.


            "Arya!" He hissed, eyes flashing over to her for just a moment before he ran off towards the two men.

            "Stupid, idiotic, insignificant, meddling, irritating elf!" The Darkling cursed and stomped after Legolas, and Arya watched in horror as Wargs became visible on top of the rocks, one of them jumping down and killing off one of the guards before Legolas managed to kill it.

At the End of All Things [LotR / Legolas] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now