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Just as he closed his eyes the pressure from around his neck disappeared, and with a cough, some much needed air making its way down to his lungs. He struggled to open his eyes; suddenly realizing the Darkling was no longer holding him down, and that there was a something going on around him. Where was Ára? Had Zaríel killed her? The last thoughts made his eyes open, and though he was unable to sit up he managed to slowly turn his head towards the scuffle going on besides him.

What he saw would have made anyone look twice – unsure if they were losing their mind he was sure. Because not 5 meters from him, two nearly identical beings were battling it out, hair whipping and blades glinting as they clashed together again and again.

"Ára," he whispered softly, almost subconsciously though he barely managed to make a sound through his soar throat. He could see Zaríel come up behind her as well, and she was pulled to the ground with a roar. He reached towards her, but did not manage to turn or even reach his weapons that were lying on the ground besides him.

With a blast of light she pushed both of the Darklings off, getting to her feet quickly and crouching slightly as if making herself ready to spring, should she need to. With heaving breath Legolas managed to roll over to his stomach, his arms struggling to hold his upper body slightly lifted so that he could see what was happening. The Darklings were circling around her now, the mirror image of her flickering slightly as if it was struggling to keep her form. Ára kept herself in movement, lashing out at one of them before she turned to the other. He noticed how she tried not harming Zaríel – merely blocking his strikes and pushing him off before turning towards the other one.

Groaning, Legolas pushed himself onto his knees, reaching for his bow he managed to nock an arrow and aim it towards Zaríel. With a huge effort he pulled back the string and released the arrow – hitting Zaríel straight in the back. With a roar he fell down, but he was up again in the matter of seconds, his arm twisting backwards to pull the arrow out of his back. Turning around his dark red eyes fell on Legolas, and with a growl he stalked towards him – only to be pushed to the ground by Ára who seemed to notice the moment he made his way towards Legolas.

"Stay down," she growled to Legolas, her eyes shining silver and her hair whipping around her as she whirled around to block an attack from her nemesis.

Grumbling to himself he got to his feet, having to lean slightly on his bow before he got his bearings and managed to stand straight. Taking a couple of careful steps, he quickly got back the control of his body and stalked towards the fighting, his eyebrows furrowing as he watch the blur that was Ára and the Darkling. They moved so quickly that he had to focus on them solely to see whom was who, and he imagined that for most others on the battlefield it would be impossible to separate the two from each other.

Zaríel who was just getting off of the ground was surprised by Legolas who pushed him to the ground, one of his knives digging into his back.

"Don't move," he growled, trying to forget that this had once been one of his closest friends back in Mirkwood; "Zaríel, if you can still hear me – please, fight him."

"Your friend is long gone little prince." The Darkling hissed at him, struggling to throw him off his back. Just as Legolas felt himself being pushed off, Gimli suddenly appeared and jumped onto the back of the Darkling effectively pushing him back down to the ground. "Looked like you needed some help, lad," he said gruffly, his eyes glinting as he pushed the butt of his axe towards the head of the now growling and thrashing Darkling.

"Thank you," Legolas breathed as they both struggled to keep the thrashing Darkling to the ground. He knew they had no chance if he got loose, as they had no ay of actually killing him, but anything that could help Ára at this point was worth the risk. "I need to get even with you for taking down that Mûmakíl!" Gimli growled, making a chortled laugh fall from Legolas' lips.

At the End of All Things [LotR / Legolas] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now