chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Abby's pov

"Abby Abby come one" what I thought as I snapped out of my daydream and realised my Aunt Jen had been shouting me, how long had I been in the shower? I quickly jumped out, wrapped a towel round my body and my dripping long hair and ran to into my room in a rush and trapecing water all over my nice new carpet

 "Wont be long aunt Jen" I yelled with no enthusiasm for the coming day, lets be honest does anyone have enthusiasm for the first day of school, especially a new school.

 I ran to the wardrobe mmmm what to wear, what to wear I thought tapping my foot to the music that was playing in my head. I never normally bothered with first impressions what was the point but seen as though I'd actually be stopping to finish my schooling here I suppose I best make an effort. I decided on a pair or black leggings and a chunky knitted top and accessorised with chunky jewellery. I did a little twirl in my mirror, mmmmm not bad I thought to myself I'll do as i grinning into the mirror I'd just been twirling too.  

I turned my attention to my hair, I had long blonde hair which was thick and glossy. I personally hated it, it took so much effort to do so I normally just pulled it back into a ponytail and left it at that, but not today. I straightened it and put a few little flicks in the front of my layers, pulled my Uggs on grabbed by bag and was ready to go.  

I took one long last look in the mirror, happy with how I looked I sighed to my self, here we go again.

Milo's pov

 I sat bolt upright, I had sweat dripping from my forehead, my heart was pounding, all my muscles were tense like I'd done a four hour work out, what was happening to me. I'd had the same dream for the last eight weeks it never changed. It was the same dream I had night after night and morning after morning I woke up in a state like this. 

Today was different somehow, I couldn't put my finger on it. My stomach was in knots, all of a sudden out of nowhere I felt a intense pull in the pit of my stomach. I darted out of bed ran straight into the hall and into the bathroom. I only just made it in time to throw the contents of last nights dinner up.

Walking downstairs it hit me, the smell off moms pancakes cooking, my stomach lurching as I walked through the hall and into the kitchen.I couldn't put my finger on what was happening to me, what was wrong with me I loved my food and normally I couldn't get enough of moms pancakes but here I was feeling sick just from the smell of them.

"Hey mom" I said cheerfully as I walked into the kitchen trying to hide the look of nausea on my face, mom wasn't fooled, she very rarely is. I tell you that woman is like a walking lie detector, she knows when all of us are lying, how I don't know but she does.

"Morning darling, whats wrong"she looked at me quizzing raising her eyebrows and looking deep into my eyes

"Nothing mom, mmmmmm I'm just a bit mmmm nervous, wheres dad?" don't know why I  bothered even trying to hide it I already knew she had heard me and plus she could tell me lying from a mile away and as for dad he'd been away for two weeks on 'business' so I'd missed talking to him, I couldn't wait for him to get back.

"Milo Edmund Bassett, do not lie to me" she scolded me, " Do you not think I can hear everything that goes on In this house and your dad should be back tonight hopefully" she said with a smirk coming across her face.

I couldn't help but chuckle of course she'd have heard me, we all of excellent hearing why did I think I even had a slight chance of fooling her and getting away with saying nothing was wrong.

"Milo, answer me" she started again, I loved my mom but she was like a dog with a bone when she got started, that was it then for days until she got what she wanted or found out what she wanted. The thing with my mom is she was a lovely woman but how can I put this....very full on and in your face.

I rolled my eyes " Mom I'm fine honestly, last nights dinner must just not have agreed with me that's all"  

She looked at me with open eyes not buying it for a minute.

" Ok hunny, I suppose I can let this go this once but you know you can talk to me if anything bothers you, don't you Milo"

"Yes mom but I am a big boy now" I said rolling my eyes, just as I'd said it my brother and two sisters came bounding into the kitchen.

" Hope youv'e finished Milo, that was gross" Allysa said to me with her nose turned up at me. Nice everyone in the house heard.

" Yeah you mong i can still smell it on you" my brother chimed in stuffing a pancake in his mouth and somehow managing to smear syrup all down his face.

I slapped him round the head "Dan, that's vile chew with your mouth shut you animal and for your information I've had a shower. Plus I cant help it if you cant shut your bloodhound nose off, can I?" I said almost joking but deep down I could understand the outburst from everyone, we never got sick ever and didn't understand why I had.

Dan looked at me quizzically, he knew it was about my dreams he was the only one I'd told, he knew everything and he knew I'd tell him later when we were alone I always did.

Me and Dan were twins and although we were completely different in some ways we were more or less the same, we knew each other inside out, he knew what looks meant what and he'd obviously picked up on this one.

 " oooo look who's tetchy today, come on then guys or we'll be late on our first day back, we certainly don't want that do we Allysa" he grinned winking at her, changing the subject from me which I was grateful for. Allysa was a year down from me and Dan but a total bookworm and would freak out every time we made her late and today was no exception.

She looked at her watch..... " oh my god" she screamed " Dan, Milo hurry up" she picked up her bag shouted bye to mom and ran out to the car leaving me and Dan in stitches.

"Right guys have a good day back and keep an eye on your sister" mom yelled at us as were leaving. Just as we were about to shut the door a little voice appeared from the sofa,

"bye Milly, bye Danny" she said we both turned and ran to out little sister

" bye Annie bean" Dan said as I gave her a running hug and kiss then set her down on the sofa.

"bye Annie" I yelled "love you" and with that I ran and jumped in the car ready for my last year at school......

Into The Moon (Book one) ........(First few chapters need serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now