chapter 34

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Hiya guys, thanks so much for reading, i appologise if this feels a bit rushed and miss matched but as of yesterday i am now working 9days straight so i wanted to upload before i was dead on my feet and too tired to write so here it is. hope you like it and please please please let me know what you think, i love reading your comments and suggestions. come to think of it someone asked me if i was doing a story on Dan, would anyone else like to see that happen? let me know!

so on with the story, please read, comment, vote and fan and pretty please tell me what you think and i'll try and upload as soon as i can.

thanks leighxxx 

Chapter 34

Abby’s pov

Well this was it; I was going to face what I’d done, what I was meant to do. Fair enough I didn’t mean it to happen I was just so angry with my dad for letting her get away, I still am but I never meant to take his Alpha but now I had I was going to show them all I was not that scared little girl anymore and prove to myself as well along the way

When I woke up I’d contacted Gray through our link which I might add was weird, I was only used to Milo and on occasion dad but now I’d found that if I’d concentrated hard enough I could contact anyone.

I’d told Gray to set up a meeting for the Grace pack that were here, so I could speak to them first then once I knew where I stood with everyone I would speak to the rest of the packs involved in this stupid treaty to protect me. Surprisingly he did as I said without any mention to my dad, they were friends surely he must have spoken to him, I knew he loyalty would lay with him, in fact I dare say most in all the packs would have their loyalty’s to him

“Morning baby” Milo yawned snapping me out of my daydream

“You shouldn’t think so hard you know, it will all be ok Abby” he smiled leaning over and pecking my lips softly while I smiled back at him

“They won’t accept me, they all will be loyal to dad, and he was Alpha so long” I said not upset but still deep in thought I didn’t know how I would be able to gain their trust and loyalty

“Baby you’re their Alpha now, they are loyal to you. Everyone loves you, you’ll be great” he smiled stroking my bed hair from my face

“So I didn’t hear the twins last night were they ok” I asked changing the subject as I jumped out of bed grabbing a towel and heading to the wardrobe to find some clothes that would tell everyone I meant business but was still me, I didn’t want to pretend to be something I wasn’t, oh except the scared thing. That I didn’t want them to know.

“Yeah they were great baby they only got up twice and Dan helped me the second time”

“How come Dan helped you, did they wake him up” I cringed the last thing any teenage boy needed was to be kept awake all night by screaming new-borns

“Nah he was already awake, in fact we had a good talk about us moving away”

Oh this was it, I knew how much his brother meant to him, come on they had a special bond being twins one I hoped my own twins had. How could I have expected him to leave him and the rest of the family here, I felt my body drop and my head lower to the ground, I couldn’t believe how selfish I’d been Milo was my world and I couldn’t bare for him to be unhappy and without Dan I knew he would probably break down

“Milo I’m sorry about all this, I know how hard this is on you and Dan I really am sorry” I muttered looking up when I heard him chuckle and throw the cover off walking over to me grinning

“Abby don’t be daft you have nothing to be sorry for Dan, well Dan spoke to me last night and him and Gabby want to come with us when we go” he grinned then added

Into The Moon (Book one) ........(First few chapters need serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now