Chapter 39

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Hey everyone, so here it is, the final chapter of Into The Moon.....

please please comment and vote and let me know what you think, also i want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has stuck with the story and voted and fanned it means so much to know you are enjoying reading as much as i am writting.

i want to say a special thank you to Shaz'Alice'Senior, Vikkiday/Missi666 and ReaderDan. who all have helped me so much ReaderDan your comments spur me on and i love it that you know what i want to write before i even write it and Shaz n Vikki, Thanks so much in beliving in me a pushing me to finish it. i love you both

Anyway enough of the emotional stuff (sob sob, yeah im a big softy) and onto the story. i hope you think this is the perfect way to end for our favourite Alpha and Beta,, let me know

Loves to you all


Chapter 39       

Abby’s pov

Closing my eyes I shuddered I could feel the beads of sweat dripping down my back onto the tight material. My palms clammy and sweaty and my heart ready for beating out of my chest. I could feel my entire body shaking; I honestly don’t think I’d ever been as nervous about anything in my entire life. What if I tripped or fell what if I forgot my words and made a complete fool of myself, what if one of the twins played up or, oh my god the more I thought he more I realised all the things that could go wrong.

I took a deep breath and started pacing up and down the room, my long train catching on the furniture

“Shit” I hissed to myself carefully freeing the delicate fabric from the grips of the feet on the sofa

“Now now Alpha Grace is that anyway for a lady to speak”

I whipped around to see Seth standing in the door way grinning from ear to ear, his white and black suit look amazing on him. All the men had the same suits, I’d picked them I knew how well they would suit all the Bassett boys and I wasn’t wrong

“Hey Seth, you look great” I said quickly glancing at him and carrying on pacing up and down, if I could have gone for a run I would be pacing was the only thing keeping me from dissolving into a pile of nerves on the floor

I could feel my empty stomach churning around making me feel nauseous yet again; I suppose it was to be expected as I carried on walking up and down the room clamping my hands together earning a loud chuckle from across the room

“Abby calm down you’re making me feel sick” he laughed walking over to me and holding my arms down to my side stopping me in my tracks, and looking deep into my eyes

“Breathe sweetheart breathe calm down everything will be fine just calm down” he smiled warmly at me motioning with his hands up and down that I should be breathing like that. I did what he said slowly controlling myself all the while looking at him

When I’d managed to calm down a fraction I sent him a warm smile

“Thanks, I just panicked I had visions of everything going wrong and it has to be right, it has to be perfect” I muttered smoothing a slight crease in my ivory dress. I have to admit even in my current state of panic I looked pretty good, as soon as I saw this dress I feel in love, in fact I picked the dress and everything else fell in place around it, the colour schemes the bridesmaids dresses, the suits everything just fit perfectly although it I should have probably had it altered a couple of weeks ago when I picked it up, it was tight, really tight in certain areas and I felt like I was packed tightly into it.

Into The Moon (Book one) ........(First few chapters need serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now