chapter 10

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Hey guys thanks for reading and sticking with the story I know I say it every time but it means a lot so tttthhhhaaannnnkkkkk yyyoooouuuu!!!!

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Chapter 10

 Abby pov

 The pain had vanished along with all my anger and all the rage that had been building up inside me for the last seven years. It had erupted in one massive explosion that I was dumfounded by. I remember screaming and being in agony then blackness just blackness.

 The cold whipped round my body as I pulled the covers up to my chin and shivered.  Sighing wishing summer would come. I flipped onto my side pulling more of the covers over me as I shivered and shook. My eyes still closed, I wondered what time it could be I don’t even remember coming to bed I must have been out for the count after Milo brought me home. I slowly reached my hand out trying to feel for my phone I always kept on my bedside table to check the time. It was something I’d always done, have a phone close to hand in case of emergencies. I slid my hand over from the side I was on to the other when I shot up and screamed as my hand touched someone.

 “Abby” he jumped out of the bed scanning the room half in shock, his eyes red and puffy, black circles under his eyes and his normally clean shaven face was covered in dark stubble

 “What’s wrong, oh my god you’re awake” he cried out starting to wake up and locking his eyes with mine as they started to tear up

 “Of course I’m awake and what do you mean what’s wrong” I yelled still in shock he was in bed with me. I looked down and sighed at least he was fully clothed. The same could not be said for me as I looked down and find me clothed in what I can only imagine being uncle Lees t-shirt.

 “Why are you in my bed and why they hell am I practically naked?” I screamed in utter confusion when the door flew off its hinges before Milo could speak

 “Abby???” uncle Lee screamed bounding into the room in his boxers making me look away, every muscle in his bronzed eight pack tensed as he barged into my room, his black hair messed up but still looking good considering it was the middle of the night, As good looking as my uncle was I really did not need to see him like this. He was quickly followed by my aunt Jen who looked like she'd been sobbing for days, she had dark rings under her eyes her usual gloss black hair was limp and tied back into a messy bun

 “Abby” she ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug so tight I heard the breath jump out of me. I gasped as she stepped back to look at me fresh tears flowing down her cheeks as uncle Lee pulled her into his chest

 “Jen shush hunny she’s fine now” he cooed gently at her stroking her back as she sobbed louder and louder

 I stood in the corner utterly confused, cold aching and hungry. Hungry god knows why I was hungry it was the middle of the night. But confused yeah I’m confused. Why was Milo in my bed, why was he so upset and look so run down? Why did aunt Jen look half dead and why was uncle Lee saying I was fine now.

 “Abby?” Milo's voice sounded cracking as he walked over to me and shakily took my hand making me shiver and nearly melt to the floor

He caught me leading me back over to my bed and guiding me down

Into The Moon (Book one) ........(First few chapters need serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now