chapter 14

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Leigh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Chapter 14

Abby’s pov

I looked up at the ceiling and smiled. I couldn’t believe what had just happened and as I lay in his strong arms I felt so safe and contented. He really was my everything and I definitly couldn’t be without him now. I shuffled a bit to nestle into his chest and winced when a sore feeling passed through my area and my neck as I moved. Moving my hand from his waist I brought it up and touched the mark on my neck, his mark, I traced my fingers over the cresent shaped gash on my neck that had thankfully stopped bleeding and slowly started heeling. I could feel my skin getting tighter as it knitted back together. As much as it hurt I couldn’t help but smile that his mark was on me. As soon has his teeth had sunk into my skin I had felt the intense wave of emotions pass through him into me, I could feel how much he wanted me and how much he loved me. I mentally slapped myself for even doubting I would disappoint him, he loved me for me as much as I loved him.

I sighed and smiled as I shuffled further in his chest breathing every bit of him. His arms automatically tightened around me making me sink even more into him. I didn’t think I could possibly feel any more for him then I did but I was wrong. The surge of love that had flooded through me was intense, I never could imagine anything being as perfect as him and as I lay here in his arms it hadn’t wavered in the slightest. He moved slightly snaking his arms to my side so he could shuffle me up the bed. He pulled the cover up over me and stroked my hair from my face, his own face was lit up and smiling from ear to ear.

“I love you baby” he smiled one arm round me the other still stroking my hair “I’m sorry I had to be the one that hurt you” he sighed leaning over me kissing my forehead

Idiot I thought smiling, he might have hurt me but it was so worth it

# Really? # a voice shot through my head making me sit up bolt right in the bed, what the hell was that

#It’s me baby# Milos voice echoed through my head was I imagining it,

He started laughing at what I can only imagine was a look of sheer horror and confusion on my face as I tried to figure out why my boyfriend was in my head.

“Don’t laugh at me” I scolded turning to face him and shooting him a look.

“Oh baby I’m sorry, I told you once we were mated we would be able to hear each other’s thoughts and feel what the other was feeling” he explained grabbing my hand and pulling me back down so I was laid on his chest, listening to his steady breathing.

“So why can you talk to me in my head but I can’t talk to you” I asked wondering and thinking it was slightly unfair he could bug me and not the other way around

“Babes you can you just don’t know how, don’t worry I'll teach you but we’ve only just mated and you’ve only been shifted a week, let’s just enjoy this for now until your dad storms up the stairs and kills me” he said half laughing half scowling

Into The Moon (Book one) ........(First few chapters need serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now