chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Abby’s pov

The last few days had flown by, all be it because I was sleeping through most of it. It seemed that shifting like I did had really taken it out of me because no matter how much I rested or slept I was still so tired I was like the walking dead. I knew I looked a mess, I hadn’t had a shower in days, my hair was matted and greasy and I could tell how pale I looked with how weak I felt. Just sitting up was a chore but I needed to get my act together no matter how bad I felt. Tomorrow was Monday, I’d been at my new school for one day then sick for the whole week I was going to force myself to go in tomorrow, I couldn’t miss any more time, I needed to get back to normality, well as normal as I’m ever going to get now.

I'd accepted the fact I was a shifter but I was still really really scared by it all and I mean shitting myself scared. It was a whole new way of life I needed to learn and the thought of shifting again terrified me more than anything in my life, I mean a whole week later and I’m still half dead, I dreaded it happening again. I mean I actually panicked at the thought; I trembled and whimpered to myself as the pain flashed back into my mind. The only good thing to come out of all this was Milo, I smiled as I thought of him. This whole week, well what I could remember of it, he was like my guardian angel. He never left my side every time I woke up he was there,, I needed the bathroom, he was there to help me up. He brought me my meals and talked things through with me. The closer we got and the more we knew about each other made the pull towards him even stronger. Every time he touched me I trembled and ached for him. I don’t think I could actually go a day without being near him. That being another reason I was forcing myself back to school, his mom was making him go back tomorrow and I couldn’t not be with him.

No one knew of my plan I was just going to hope I was strong enough tomorrow to get ready and stand my ground with everyone, especially Milo and dad. Geez thinking about dads reaction made me cringe, I still hadn’t forgiven him but I kind of understood and ever since he’d come back he was so over protective it was beyond belief. He wouldn’t let me do anything only telling me I was lucky to be alive and that I had to take it easy. Easy smeezy I thought it was driving me mad being stuck in here feeling like shit and not being able to do anything. I was going to go to school tomorrow if it killed me, I mean I really hoped it wouldn’t but I needed to go, Milos reaction I could handle I just really hoped dad kept his cool.

I wiggled in the bed as my backside went numb and tingly making me shift uncomfortably but trying my best not to wake my man laid beside me, he'd flaked out about an hour ago and I hadn’t the heart to wake him, he’d not slept properly all week because he was looking after me and he was so worried, he didn't say anything but I could tell how exhausted he was and he needed his rest but bleeding hell my arse was killing I needed to get up and stretch and I suppose if I was braving school in the morning I needed to be moving, out of bed and showered.

I scooched to the edge of the bed sliding under his arm that was protectively wrapped around my waist and slowly sat up. White sparkles flashed in front of my eyes making me blink and wearily rub them trying to focus and push past the head rush and weakness that was engulfing my body.

I leant towards the bedside cabinet only an arm’s length away and pulled myself up on it making the bed creak when I left it. I gritted my teeth both hoping one Milo wouldn’t wake up and two from the unease I felt in my legs. I thought they were going to give and drop me to the floor any minute. I steadied my breathing and focused on staying upright. My legs slowly stopped buckling under me and stiffened so I could steady myself and try taking a step towards the bathroom and the shower. I smiled through slightly gritted teeth as I took a step without falling, yay go me only a few more I thought sarcastically, letting go of the bedside table with the hand that was left on it I was now totally un aided and managing, I slowly and carefully took more shaky steps towards the bathroom, after about five agonising minutes that seemed like hours I grinned as I'd made it across the room with out to my en suite collapsing or waking Milo.

Into The Moon (Book one) ........(First few chapters need serious editing)Where stories live. Discover now