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Hello. This is my first One Direction BoyxBoy fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoy reading this, and quick shout out to LeeroyTwerksIt, who gave me the inspiration to write this book because of her awesome 1D books :) Thank you :)

Niall was getting anxious. Everything was about to go wrong, and honestly? For once, he didn’t think he could change it. He had to hope he was wrong though, because everything needed to be perfect. If it weren’t, he wouldn’t be responsible for what happens.

Harry should’ve been there by now. What in the world was taking so long? Was he doing this just to irk Niall? Or was there a better reason behind him being late? Was this all some big joke? Or did Harry just get stopped in traffic?

All Niall knew was that Harry had promised him that he’d be there by seven. It was now seven-thirty.

Niall couldn’t take it anymore. Just as he was about to give up waiting for Harry, he heard it. The shot.

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