Chapter Twenty-Three

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Here's the newest chapter of Perfectionist. Dedication just cuz. Sorry if I promised it to someone else last chapter. I'm in a bad mood, and I don't feel like going to the previous chapter. So, enjoy this chapter as is.

Niall and Harry were at the store, picking up groceries for the house. Harry had to go use the loo, so Niall was waiting patiently for him by the door.

He was watching the floor, counting the tiles when he was abruptly shoved to the ground. He looked up, and saw no other than Victor Jonas there.

“Hey, Victor,” Niall said, smiling at the boy he had met in CPR classes.

Victor, however, did not look friendly. He looked rather pissed, with blue eyes stone cold. Niall let out a shiver, this reminded him so much of how Louis had looked that awful day that he was still trying to repress the awful memory of.

“Where’s Harry?” Victor demanded. “I know he’s here, with you. Where is he?”

It was at that moment that Harry chose to come out of the bathroom, and he glanced between Victor and Niall. Niall watched as Victor’s face melted back into a calm serenity, just as Louis’s had done both times he’d hit Niall. Niall was suspicious of Victor, but didn’t want to say anything about it.

“Hey Vic,” Harry said, “how are you?”

“I’m good,” Victor said, smiling at Harry.

“Cool, well Niall and I have to finish grocery shopping. Come on Niall,” he turned to Niall, and his smile stretched wider. “Zayn and Li are gonna wanna play Call of Duty, Black Ops with us, so we have to get going.”

Niall smirked at Victor, and followed Harry down the nearest aisle.

Once they finished getting the groceries, and they were in Niall’s truck, Harry turned to the blonde. “What happened between you and Vic? You seemed tense.”

“He…” Niall said, thinking quietly, wondering if he should tell Harry. “He pushed me to the ground, and asked me where you were. He said that he knew you were there too.”

“Shit,” Harry murmured under his breath. “Niall, stay away from Victor, okay?”


“Just, please, can you stay away from him? We’re together, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. Can you promise me this one thing of peace?”

Niall nodded his head, although he was honestly curious why Harry had made such an unusual request. What did he know, coupled with what Niall had just told him, made him so nervous about Dr. Jonas’s son? What was haunting his beautiful, curly haired boyfriend so much that he was afraid of Niall’s life?

There. Okay, so it’s short, but it’s not supposed to be long. Hey, do you see that picture over there ---->? Well, I made it, and it’s a kind of teaser for the sequel. You heard me right, there WILL be a sequel. And I need your help with the title for the sequel. The most voted one will be the title, unless I decide to choose the lesser one, in case I grow attached to it. So, here are the two title choices: You Are Perfect to Me (You’ll understand this at the near end) or Returning Challenges. You could probably guess the reason for that. And so, yeah. Oh, and what did you think of Victor’s strange behavior? Okay. That’s enough to leave you with for now. PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE, PLEASE? Vote for the title :)

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