Chapter Fifteen

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Hi guys :) I updated, even though I'm freaking sick. I won't even go into details. As you guys should remember, last chapter we got some shocking news: Harry and Liam are cousins! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.  Just wait to see how I did all this. And dedication is because I loved his person's comment last chapter. It made my day with how nice it was :) Complementing everything, even Lou's character :) heehee. Enjoy.

“Wait, you and Harry are cousins?” Niall asked. He couldn’t believe this. Why had Liam never even told him this, when it was so important? It would’ve been nice to know that Niall’s closest friend that he wasn’t dating was related to the guy that Niall hated with so much freaking passion.

“Yeah,” Liam said. “Harry lives with us too.”


“I’m not sure if that’s my story to tell. Maybe you should ask him that.”

“I’m not talking to that little filthy backstabbing ex-best friend. If he has anything important he needs to tell me, he has to apologize for hitting my boyfriend first.”

Liam sighed at that. Niall really wished that Liam would’ve told him that Harry was his cousin, and was living with him. Maybe then Niall wouldn’t of so quickly accepted Liam’s request to help him. But, this was for Liam’s date with Zayn. Niall knew Liam had been crushing on Zayn for a while now, and to be able to go out with the guy he liked had to mean a lot to Liam, so Niall knew he had to suck up his fear of having to talk to Harry, and just help out a friend. After all, it wasn’t as though Harry would help Liam. That definitely was not something Harry could do.

Liam opened his door, and Niall followed him into his house. Niall tersely looked around, expecting to see Harry somewhere. When he realized that the curly-haired boy wasn’t anywhere to be seen, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. Then, he followed Liam up to his bedroom. They still hadn’t run across Harry, so Niall was very relieved.

Liam quickly shut the door behind them, and led Niall to his closet. Niall wasn’t sure if he liked Liam’s room. It was messy, with clothes strewed all over the floor, and even garbage littering the floor. Niall had to step around some of the stuff, not wanting to step on it.

“You ever think of cleaning your room?” Niall wondered.

“I wished I could,” Liam said. “I just never have the time.”

“Once you clean it though, it would be easy to keep it clean,” Niall said. “I could show you how.”

“Maybe later,” Liam said quickly. “I just need an outfit for right now.”

Niall agreed quickly. They got to work on picking out an outfit for Liam’s date. It was taking longer than Niall had thought though, and soon he had to use the bathroom.

“Where’s the loo?” he asked Liam.

“Down the hall, first door on your right,” Liam said absently as he looked at himself in his mirror in his latest outfit: a plain white t-shirt, with a light checkered, button-up shirt over it, and dark blue pants. It had been the best outfit so far, yet Niall thought it was missing something.

Right now though, he was more worried about his bladder than anything else, and he ran down the hall, not bothering with looking where he was going. In his hurry, he bumped into someone, making him go falling to the ground.

“What the hell!” Harry exclaimed. Then he noticed Niall, and said, “What are you doing here?” The weird thing? He seemed nice now. His voice wasn’t full of acid, like it had been for the past few weeks. He seemed genuinely curious.

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