Chapter Nineteen

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Hello guys. Enjoy the filler chapter I've been working on for like three days. And also, dedication because of the fact that they were the closest on what Niall had to tell Harry, and also I liked what they had to say as their favorite chapter, because it's one of my faves too. So, yeah. ENJOY!

“Harry, I think I like you too,” Niall whispered. He risked looking into Harry’s eyes, which made Harry look happy. However, Niall was going to have to put an end to this happiness. “No, Harry. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, ‘Okay he likes me back. We can be together.’ But, don’t you see? We can’t be together.”

“I’m not following you,” Harry replied. “Why can’t we be together?”

“Because,” Niall replied, trying to find his words. “Don’t you see? I love Lou. Yeah, I think I might like you, but I know I love Lou.” Harry let out a huge sigh. It was then that Niall realized that Harry was still wearing just boxers. “Umm, Harry,” he murmured. “I think you should go put regular clothes on.”

Harry looked down, and must’ve realized what he was wearing, because he then turned a bright shade of red. “I’ll be right back,” he murmured. He then walked out of the room quick and came back with regular clothes on.

Niall had fun hanging with Harry though. It wasn’t too awkward between the two of them, even though Niall thought he was starting to fall for Harry, and he knew that Harry was in love with him.

However, the time blew by fast. Soon, it was time for Niall to get going, because he had a date night planned for him and Lou.

Johannah was working today again, and the girls were all over at friends’ house, because Johannah knew that Louis preferred to have the house to himself on Saturdays.

However, the house was oddly dark, something Niall did not understand. Also, the door had been locked. He’d only been able to get in because of the key that Lou had made for him. Niall walked down into the basement, but still no Louis. Niall was getting extremely worried.

He called up Lou’s phone, who answered on the first ring.

“Hello, sweetie,” Lou said, cheerfully. “What do you want?”

“I’m over at your house, and there’s no one here. What happened to our date?”

“I’m sorry,” Louis replied, “I had to go to the store and get some things for my mum. I’ll be there within an hour, at the latest, okay?”

“Okay,” Niall replied. “I’ve missed you.”

And he did. It was fun hanging with Harry and everything, but Niall really missed his boyfriend. His boyfriend could be kind and passionate at points. Yeah, sometimes he got into a mood, but as long as it was just the two of them, and nothing happened, he was sweet, and loveable.

Two hours later, and Niall was completely worried. Louis hadn’t come back yet, and he’d said he’d be back within an hour. What was taking him so long? Had something horrible happened to him? Had he been part of a horrible accident or something? Niall let out a gulp, just thinking about it. He couldn’t lose Lou, he just couldn’t. He loved him so much, and couldn’t bear to think of how his life would be changed if something unbearable had happened to Lou.

Hello :) I hoped you guys liked this chapter. What do you guys think happened to Lou? Why hasn’t he returned? Do you smell trouble up ahead? Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this short, filler chapter :) And it has a cliffhanger, so ENJOY! COMMENT BELOW ON WHAT YOU THINK IS GONNA HAPPEN AND WHAT YOU THINK OF THE BOOK SO FAR!

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