Chapter Five

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Here you go :) Best comment gets the dedication :) Once again. Oh, and it almost gets dirty, almost but not quite. You'll understand as you read. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy Chapter Five of Perfectionist.

Niall had the weirdest dream ever. In his dream, he was naked. Even worse, he was naked at school. And for some odd reason, Niall was talking to Zayn. While he was naked. Talk about awkward much?

“Hello, Zayn,” Dream Niall said to Dream Zayn.

“Hello, Niall,” Dream Zayn replied.

Niall knew this was a dream, because there would be no way that he would be talking to Zayn when the raven-haired boy had just punched him and given him a concussion. Well, obviously he would in a dream. That was besides the point, however.

Another weird thing, in the dream, Zayn was holding hands with Liam, the quiet boy from Niall and Harry’s shared class. The reason why that was weird was because Niall didn’t know Zayn was gay. Of course, once again, this was a dream. Maybe Zayn wasn’t actually gay in the waken world, only in Niall’s dream.

“Are you and Liam together?” Dream Niall asked.

“Of course, silly,” Dream Zayn replied. “Don’t you remember? We’ve been dating for months. We started dating shortly after you and Harry started dating.”

And it was then that things got even more awkward, because it was then that Niall noticed both Zayn and Liam were naked too. Niall started to wonder why everyone was naked, or how he even knew at all how naked the guys were. Most people would of thought it was weird he was dreaming of Zayn and Liam naked, but Niall found it weirder that he dreamt the next part.

At that part, Niall felt something cold touching him from the back. He twisted around, because whoever was touching him was holding him from the stomach, and slowly moving their hands down. Niall was surprised to see Harry there. And surprise, surprise, Harry was naked too.

“Hey sweetie,” Dream Harry said.

Niall couldn’t understand why he said what he said next, but he said it. “Hello, honey.”

Just then, Harry started moving his hands down even further. Just as he was about to reach Niall’s privates, Niall awoke from his dream.

Harry was sitting there, exactly where he’d been sitting before Niall blacked out for the second time. He looked as though he’d been crying. Niall wondered why Harry had been crying.

“Harry? Niall asked. His voice came out almost like a rasp, and Niall realized he had a very dry throat, and he was thirsty.

Before Niall could voice his thirstiness though, Harry looked up, and saw Niall. “Niall!” Harry exclaimed. “I was so worried about you! You had flat-lined, and I thought you were dead! I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Niall couldn’t believe it, he’d flat-lined? Maybe that was why he had such a weird dream. Was that how Niall hoped to live? Or was it his final wish before he died? That didn’t make much sense though, because why would he want to be naked at school? Of course, his dream probably had some deeper philosophical meaning. It most likely meant he wanted to be with Harry, and to be friends with Zayn again. But, why would he want to date Harry? Was he even gay? Niall was not sure. He had never really had time for girls—or boys—because he thought they were all disgusting, and none of them could ever keep up or understand his ways. But, what about Harry?

Niall begrudgingly had to admit to himself that he and Harry were probably friends. At least, Harry seemed to think they were. Niall figured they could be friends, but first, Harry would have to completely understand how Niall worked. Niall would have to explain the things Harry would have to try to  put up with some things. He’d have to explain it, but for some reason, Niall figured Harry would understand. He wasn’t even sure how he knew that, but it just felt right to him.

Nice, huh? What did you guys think of Niall's dream?

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