Chapter Thirty-Two

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Niall paced anxiously back-and-forth, waiting for Zayn an Liam to come back. He was worried about what they were going to do when they found out Niall told Harry about them being suspects.

When they arrived in Zayn's shiny car, Niall let out a shaky sigh, and waved.

"Hey, Niall," Liam called out cheerfully. He looked so happy as he climbed out of the passenger side. His happiness made Niall feel that much more conflicted about telling them that he'd slipped up about them being suspects.

"Hey, Liam," Niall said, trying to keep out the shakiness in his voice.

He must not have done that grand of a job though because Liam looked at him questionably.

"Niall," Liam said, cautiously, "are you okay mate?"

"Don't be upset, please," Niall whispered, the fear evident in his own voice.

"Why would we be upset?" Zayn asked cautiously. His hazel eyes looked at Niall, full of curiousness.

"I told Harry," Niall whispered, fearfully. "I told him that we're suspects in the case. And I know I wasn't supposed to, but he kind of guilted it out of me."

Liam looked at Niall, and where Niall expected to see anger, and ferociousness, he saw humor and a smile. Liam and Zayn looked at each other then, and they burst into laughter.

"What's so funny? Niall asked, feeling stupid for not understanding.

"You," Zayn said between fits of laughter. "You thought we were going to hate you for telling Harry. Dude, he was going to..." He trailed off, not being able to continue due to his laughing.

"What Zayn is trying to say," Liam said, as his laughter quieted down, "is that Harry was bound to find out soon anyways. And Zayn and I were just discussing it, and we think that he'd rather hear it from one of us three, or all of us, than the tv or someone else's gossip."

Niall caught the sense of what they were trying to say, and agreed it only made sense. He knew his boyfriend, and Harry would've been super pissed had he found out through anyone besides these three. And Niall didn't really want his boyfriend pissed at him.

Two hours later, and they were all at a park, kicking a football around, having fun, and just being boys. They decided to have a little competition, and split into two teams, one of Niall and Zayn, and the other with Harry and Liam.

Their challenge was simple, whoever got the football in the makeshift goal first won. And there was only one goal, but there were boundaries. They had to make them up, but they still ended up having fun through the whole time.

In the end, Niall ended up kicking the goal while Zayn distracted Liam, and Niall ended up tricking Harry by faking to kick the ball left, when he went right.

By then, they'd been gone for almost three hours, and it was getting rather late outside, so they decided to head back to Harry's so Zayn could drop him, Liam, and Niall off, and then go home.

For some reason, when they got there, there were three police cars sitting outside the house, and once they saw the car pulling in, one cop got out. Niall groaned when he recognized then as Deputy Clyde.

The deputy made his way over to the car, and stopped part of the way.

"Who's up to me just driving away?" Zayn muttered from the driver's seat.

"Zayn!" Liam chastised. "No, you gotta see what they want."

Zayn didn't look to happy about it, but he stopped the car outside the house, on the side of the street, and Liam, Harry, and Niall got out.

Deputy Clyde banged on the the window though, and made a gesture the made Niall believe he wanted Zayn out of the car as well. Zayn must've gotten that vibe as well, because he got out of the car.

"Zayn Malik," Deputy Clyde said, talking slowly, as though he was talking to a little kid, "you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Harry Styles and the murder of Victor Jonas."

Hahahah! It's a huge cliffhanger! Bet none of you saw that coming! Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter, because I had fun writing it. I've been looking forward to this. And quick question: Do you guys think that Zayn actually did it? Or is there some kind of mistake.

One more question: Did any of you guys expect Victor to have died? Or was that surprising?

Anyways, please comment, last time I only had one comment, and it kinda made me sad...

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