Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Who was it?" Niall asked again when Harry didn't reply right away.

Harry's green eyes met Niall's blue ones for a few seconds, and then said, "It was Zayn."

Niall's breathing hitched for a second, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Zayn Malik, the boy who had been his best friend for a long time now, and then bullied him, and then started dating Liam, Niall's new best friend, tried killing Niall's boyfriend? That was confusing as fuck. Why would Zayn even try that? He didn't have anything against Harry, did he?

"That doesn't make any sense," Niall murmured, and he could feel the tears from the betrayal forming.

"I know," Harry said, beckoning his boyfriend towards him. Niall scootched closer to him over the bed, and Harry hugged him, kissing his forehead. "It's going to be okay," he murmured into Niall's hair. "We'll figure this out, don't you worry. And just because Zayn tried killing me, doesn't mean he killed Victor. The two events might not even be related to each other. It's up to Zayn to tell us this."

"But, we trusted him," Niall blubbered. "It couldn't of been him. It just couldn't of been..."

"But it was," Harry whispered. "I don't know why though, we'll have to get that answer from the boy himself. And that means that we're going to visit him in jail." He grabbed his phone from the end table, and then smirkied. "We can still visit them at the jail. C'mon Niall, we're gonna go get answers."

He quickly got up, and threw some clothes on, and Niall followed pursuit. They threw on clothes, and then they walked out of the bedroom, down to the door, past the living room where Liam was watching a football match.

"Where you guys going?"

"For a drive," Harry grunted.

Liam just nodded his head, and turned his head back towards the TV, obviously not questioning his cousin's words.

Niall and Harry walked out of the house, and hopped into Harry's gray van, and Harry drove down to the jail. He stormed in, and then went up to the receptionist. "I'm here to see Zayn Malik."

The receptionist clicked a few times on the computer. "Zayn Malik is not allowed any visitors at this moment until his court case is over, unless you are his lawyer. And you are not."

"This is fucking important!" Harry bellowed.

"I'm sorry," the lady said. "You are not allowed to meet with Zayn Malik. He is not allowed visitors, absolutely no exceptions."

Just then, a familiar gray haired cop walked out. "Hello," Deputy Clyde said, politely. "You guys here to visit Malik?"

"Yes," Harry replied, sounding surprised at how polite the Deputy sounded. And Niall's thoughts echoed his voice.

Why would he sound so nice now? Didn't he have a grudge against them, or weren't they supsects in an attempted-murder investigaion. Well, Harry wasn't, because that would be weird. Why would he try killing himself?

"Well come with me," he said.

"Deputy," the receptionist said, "you said no visitors, no ex..."

Deputy Clyde cut her off. "The prisoner has specifically requested these two be in the room while he confesses his crime."

Niall looked at Harry, understanding in their eyes. Criminals don't normally confess unless they actually did something. So, that would mean Zayn had to have done something with the crime. You don't just confess to a crime for no good reason.

"C'mon now," Deputy Clyde said, looking at Niall and Harry. "He won't wait forever."

The boyfriends followed the deputy down the hall, past Deputy Clyde's office, and back towards the interogation rooms. Deputy Clyde took Niall and Harry into the room section and not behind the glass, and there sat Zayn Javaad Malik, the boy that had caused Niall so much misery in the past few years. And now in the past hour, a lot as well.

"Are you ready?" Deputy Clyde asked.

"Yeah," Zayn said. He looked right at Niall, as though he was trying to convey something in those few fleeting moments of looking at each other. Then he turned to Deputy Clyde and said, "So, me, Jonas, and Tomlinson, we have this complicated history. Actually, I didn't know Jonas until earlier this year when Tomlinson introduced him to me."

That made Niall think, Louis knew Victor before this year? He had no idea that Louis even knew who Victor was.

"Anyways," Zayn continued. "None of us were particularly fond of gay people at this time, and so we started this anti-gay bit." Harry shot Zayn a murderess glance at that point, and Niall couldn't help but having a bad feeling in his stomach at these words. Zayn continued though as though he hadn't noticed Harry's glare, and who knows, maybe he hadn't. "When the school year started, and we saw Harry," he gestured towards Harry,  "all up Niall's business," he gestured towards Niall, "we knew that he was gay. So we had to do something to keep the gay people away from the school, we didn't want the world infected. So, we sat up a plan. We didn't want to kill Niall, not until we knew if he was gay, so I knocked him out, but I swear, I wasn't trying to kill him.

"Anyways, I got supsended, as I suspected, and so Tomlinson grew close to Niall and Harry. His job was to see if Niall was actually gay, or if he was a victim. It became obvious he was once Tomlinson asked him out. I don't know much about what happened after that, because I came back to school, got with Liam, and I really ended up falling for Liam. I truly love the boy, and I tried backing out of the whole agreemend of killing Harry, because he was Liam's cousin. Tomlinson threatened to kill Liam as well if I wasn't the one who killed Harry. So, I had no choice, because I had to kill Harry.

"I was so grateful when Harry didn't make it, but I had to start searching for proof that Tomlinson had been behind the situation. Because if word got around that I tried killing Harry Styles, Liam would've hated me forever. He wouldn't of even given it a second chance. I would've been fucked.

"But this thing with Jonas, I swear I didn't do it. I didn't want to screw up anything else. I couldn't lose Liam. He's the only one that I've ever loved, which is weird because I used to hate gay people so fucking much, and now I'm one of them. I don't know what happened with Jonas, or why there was a note next to him in my writing, but I can promise you, I didn't do it."

Niall wasn't sure waht made him believe this boy, but he believed him fully. Maybe it was because they were friends or something, but he believed Zayn was telling the complete truth throughout the confession.

"Well, lucky for you," Deputy Clyde said, "we know that you didn't kill Jonas. The actual culprit stepped forward this morning. We were waiting to see if your stories matched up."

"Who is it?" Zayn asked.

"Can't tell you, classified," Deputy Clyde replied. "Just know you'll only be on trial for the attempted murder of the one and only Mr. Harry Styles."

Zayn nodded his head, like he didn't expect such an easy getaway. Not that Niall thought this was easy. He'd still be trialed, and with his confession, he'd be going straight to jail. And he would be stuck there for a while, even if it wasn't for life, just for attempting to murder the curly boy sitting next to Niall, who was wrapping his hands around Niall protectively, still glaring at Zayn, as though he didn't fully believe Zayn's story.

Deputy Clyde then escorted Harry and Niall out of the interogation room, and just as they were about to lead to the regular section of the jail, towards the receptionist, Deputy Clyde stopped them. "It was Louis Tomlinson who killed Jonas. Apparently he did it because he, like Zayn, tried to chicken out of the agreement, but he threatened to come to the police. So, that's why Jonas died."

HIIII! Last chapter! There will be an epilogue (maybe up before the end of the weekend? IDK) that will tie up some lose ends but YOU GUYS NOW KNOW WHO KILLED VICTOR AND WHO ATTEMPTED TO KILL HARRY! WOOOP! LET'S BE HAPPY!

Just be honest? Did any of y'all expect ANY of this? Ha! I've had this planned for a while...oops. Love you all! Hope you guys liked Perfectionist! Dedication to someone who I speak to and loves this story and yeah...THEYRE JUST FUCKING AWESOME!

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