Chapter Thirteen

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Here you guys go. I dedicated to the person who was the closest. It's funny, the ony two people who commented both said Zayn, but the one person who got it said someone else. They're the ones to get it right. You know who you are, because I dedicated the chapter to you.

“I’m taking classes,” Niall spat back.

“Scared something else is gonna happen to your precious boyfriend?” Harry asked. “Lame.”

“Harry,” Liam said, standing in between Niall and Harry, “if you’re going to provoke a fight, then you can leave.”

“Whatever,” Harry puffed, storming off to the edge of the room.

Niall’s mind went spinning. What was Harry doing here? Did Liam know he was taking the class? He must have, because he even said he helped in class on Saturdays. Niall was now ticked that Liam hadn’t told him Harry was taking the class. Did Liam not understand that Niall would not have wanted to see Harry so soon after him knocking out Niall’s boyfriend?

Niall glared at Liam, who had gone back up to join Dr. Jonas and was conversing with him. Niall started to fret. What was he going to do now? He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to take CPR classes if Harry would be taking them too. After all, Niall was pissed at Harry. But, then again, Harry had been his first friend in ages. That didn’t change what he did to Lou though.

Niall silently cursed, and wished that he had never said yes to Lou. But, then that would mean he would never be friends with Liam, because Harry would’ve never punched Lou, and Liam would have never helped out with Louis. Everything was so frustrating. He decided to just let out a quick, exaggerated sigh. He got a few weird looks from that, from the other people that had entered without Niall noticing.

Just then, Niall noticed a boy walking in. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. Niall had never seen him before, even though he looked as though he might be around his age. He decided to walk up to the boy, and introduce himself.

“Hello, mate,” Niall said, holding out his hand. “The name is Niall Horan. Who are you?”

“Victor Jonas,” the boy whispered, so quietly Niall had to strain his ears to hear him. Although, there might’ve been an American accent there.

“Is Dr. Jonas your father?” Niall asked, curious. Victor just nodded his head. “Are you taking CPR classes?” Another nod. “Cool. You can hang with me. This is my first day.”

“I’ve been doing this for a while now,” Victor said quickly. “I’m going to be graduating from the class soon.”

“Cool,” Niall said, smiling. “You can help me out if I get in a jam.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, please?” Niall asked.

“Victor, buddy!” a familiar voice called out. Niall spun around to see Harry walking closer. “Don’t hang out with him. He doesn’t know how to make wise decisions that won’t affect people later.” Harry’s green eyes narrowed. “Let’s go over there, where the cool kids hang out.”

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