Chapter Two

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I still need you guys to vote between LiLo or Ziam! Comment your choice, please! And this chapter is still short, but it's a little longer than the last one.

It had been a week since Harry joined Niall at the table in class. However, Niall was still choosing to ignore Harry. He wouldn’t forget about how Harry had ruined his pencils that first day. It had ticked him off and he just wouldn’t deal with it.

Niall watched in detest as Harry sat down next to Niall, and slammed his stuff down, just like normal. He watched as Harry turned to him, as normal, and smiled.

“Hey, Niall. You over being mad at me for whatever it is?” Harry asked. Niall just stared at him, blankly. He had resolved not to talk to Harry, unless it was absolutely necessary. He wouldn’t break that promise to himself, even if the world were ending. Of course, he was sure that if the world were ending, that would constitute as necessary to talk to Harry.

Niall waited as the teacher walked into the room. He watched with apt interest as he started talking about what they would be doing, a project. Niall figured he would do what he normally did whenever a project happened, that was work all by himself. He didn’t like working with other people, because no one ever seemed to understand how important it was to get everything perfect. It had always been annoying that no one ever understood him.

Niall watched in perfect content as everyone chose their partners, as the teacher called their name. Finally, there were only three people left, a quiet boy named Liam Payne, Harry, and Niall. Niall watched as the teacher called on Harry to pick his partner. Harry smiled, and then he said it, the two words that practically changed Niall’s life:

“Niall Horan.”

Niall couldn’t believe it. Harry wanted to be his partner. Even though Niall had been ignoring Harry all day, he still wanted to be partnered with him. Niall was sure he didn’t like it. After all, what was the chances that clumsy, disorganized, Harry Styles could be a good partner who would understand him any better than the rest of the lame school could?

No one understood Niall. There wasn’t anyone at the school who could understand him. Not a single damaged soul here gave two cents about him. He could jump off a cliff, and no one would ever notice. That was just the selfishness of the school.

Yet, here was Harry. He stood out from the rest of the students. Yeah, okay so he was still a damaged soul who did not seem to understand Niall, yet he took the time. Maybe he was trying to understand Niall. That could be why he tried to get Niall to talk to him every day.

The only problem with that was that maybe, just maybe, Niall didn’t want to be understood, not by Harry, not by anyone. Not that Harry would ever get that. He probably didn’t get straight A’s, as Niall did. He probably wasn’t smart enough to figure it out. Niall wished he was though, because then he would give up whatever futile attempts he was trying at. Then, Niall could finally have peace and quiet.

Niall only wanted that one simple thing, peace and quiet. He wanted to be left alone by jerks like Zayn Malik, and his evil crony, Louis Tomlinson. He wanted to be able to fix his pencils so they stayed together. He wanted to be able to be by himself when it came to projects. He wanted his teachers to be able to figure out that he was a loner more than anything.

Niall’s mum always told him he should have a friend. The only problem with that simple statement was that Niall didn’t want a friend. He was a loner, and loners didn’t need friends. That’s why he always got so frustrated with Harry when the curly-haired boy tried to talk to him. Maybe Harry was having a hard time making friends, but nothing would be solved by keeping up futile attempts of making Niall his friend. Niall just didn’t want a friend. He’d rather be by himself with no friends.

Friends only got in the way of his goal of peace and quiet. Friends always badgered you. Niall knew that if he got a friend, then he would never reach his peace and quiet, and he wanted peace and quiet. It was just how these things worked. You set a goal, and then try to reach it.

Harry obviously didn’t understand that.

It's not very interesting so far, I know. But, still. I hope you guys like it. Hey, if you guys start commenting on the chapters, I'll give a dedication to the best comment :)

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