Chapter Three

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It's a tie between Ziam and LiLo, and voting is officially closed now. Sorry. I'm going to make it interesting side pairing though. You'll see what I mean in chapters to come. And this is a bit longer than the last two chapters. I hope you enjoy. And once again, best comment gets dedication. I chose what I believe is the best comment from the last chapter, and gave them a dedication on this chapter.

Niall hated having Harry in his room. Yet, Harry insisted on coming over to work on the stupid project. Niall didn’t like how Harry looked around the room.

Niall’s room wasn’t that fancy. The walls were a deep brown color, with a few pictures of Niall on them. The only real thing that was on the walls that would give anyone a hint to who he was, happened to be a picture of Niall and his ex-best friend, Zayn Malik.

Niall figured that it was Zayn who had made him who he was, a loner. They had been friends until hitting Year Ten. That was when Zayn became insanely popular, while Niall was looked at as the stupid weirdo who freaked out over everything. Zayn started to pick on him, and it had hurt Niall. Since then, Niall had sworn not to get too close to anyone. He couldn’t ever subject himself to pain like that again.

The rest of his room was completely orderly. There wasn’t anything on the floor that wasn’t supposed to be. His books were placed neatly on the bookshelves, in an order that only made sense to Niall. His bed was neatly made. He had a radio on his dresser, and a TV on a little television stand. His end table was clutter-free besides his alarm clock.

Niall loved how his room was. It was so neat, and no one could even call him a pig because of it. Niall would rather have a clean room instead of a dirty one.

He sat his backpack by his end table, exactly where it was supposed to go. He watched in utter horror as Harry just threw backpack onto the floor. Niall went and picked it up quickly, and put it by his backpack.

“Mate, what’s the matter? I just put my backpack down,” Harry said, quickly.

Niall couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Harry thought he was innocent? Couldn’t he tell just by looking around the room that he couldn’t just throw his stuff around the room?

“Everything has a place,” Niall growled to Harry. “If you ever come here again with your backpack, it goes there.” He pointed to where he had sat Harry’s backpack down. “If you don’t set it there, then it goes out that window.” He pointed to one of two windows in his room. The one he pointed to was behind his dresser. The only reason why he singled that window out was that below it was his family’s pool.

“Is that a picture of you with Zayn Malik?” Harry asked Niall. He looked so innocent. It was as though he had just asked Santa for a new teddy bear or something. Niall couldn’t believe that he asked though.

“So what if it is?” Niall asked, trying to sound more angry than scared. He didn’t even know why he still had that picture up there. He had burnt most of the pictures of him and Zayn, and yet he kept that one. It hadn’t even been the best one, Zayn wasn’t looking at the camera, and Niall had his eyes closed. Zayn was staring at Niall, with a curious expression on his face, as if he was trying to figure out why his best friend did not have his eyes opened. This had been back when they were 12.

“I was just wondering why you even had a picture of Zayn. You two look friendly. I’ve seen how he treats you at school, Niall. How come in that picture you two look so happy?”

“It’s the past,” Niall said, sighing. He was really breaking his rules by talking to Harry right now. And this wasn’t even about the project. He wasn’t quite sure why he was talking to a guy he couldn’t stand, but he knew he couldn’t just leave this conversation alone. “I don’t talk about the past. What happened there can stay there.”

Harry looked a little startled, like he wasn’t expecting Niall to give him an answer. Maybe that would make him shut up. Niall only could wish.

Niall resolved to himself not to speak to Harry now unless it was for the project.

The next day at school, Niall was sitting in class again. Harry came walking in, and this time, he gently put his stuff down on the table. He quickly organized his stuff in a neat and orderly way, and then looked at Niall.

“I think I figured out why you’ve been so temperamental,” Harry said, smiling. “Is it because I’m a pig?”

Niall only glared at Harry. He still was not talking to Harry unless it was absolutely necessary. The only way he would start talking to Harry freely was if he said he was sorry for the pencil incident. If there was one thing that Niall knew how to do, it was hold a grudge.

“Fine, don’t talk to me,” Harry said, turning to face the front of the room just as the teacher walked in.

When the class was done, Niall walked out of class. Right away, he was shoved against the lockers, and he felt a sharp pain going through him. He looked up to see Zayn and Louis, laughing like usual. Yet, they did not realize this time they shoved Niall into the locker headfirst, and now Niall was receiving a painful headache. He wasn’t sure why though.

The last thing Niall remembered before blacking out was a mess of curls coming, and punching Zayn, but he could’ve been imagining it.

Did you guys like the chapter? I worked my butt off, even though I'm still sick, just to update it, because that's how much I love you guys. I hope you enjoyed.

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