Chapter One

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Niall was sitting in class, messing with his pencils. They had to go in a certain order: green, blue, and then the brown one. Yet, every time he got them into place, the decided it was time to roll down the desk. Niall could feel the frustration ebbing up in him. This had to be exact. It had to.

Just then, the teacher walked into class. Along with him was a boy with brown, curly hair. It was in a mess. He was wearing a baby blue t-shirt, and tight blue pants. He didn’t look like anyone Niall had ever seen. However, he was intrigued. He watched as the teacher directed Harry to sit next to Niall. Niall felt like groaning. He didn’t like it when people sat by him. He needed his space, and he thought that the teacher had understood that. Obviously he didn’t.

The curly haired boy sat next to Niall, and just kind of slammed his stuff down onto the table. Niall didn’t like that. Niall hated messes. He didn’t have OCD; at least the Doctors said he didn’t. They had called him a ‘perfectionist’. Maybe that was worse than having OCD, but Niall didn’t care. He liked his life just how it was.

The curly haired boy turned to Niall, and smiled. “Hello,” he said quickly. “My name is Harry Styles. Who are you?”

“Niall,” Niall murmured. He didn’t want to talk to this boy. All he wanted was his own desk back. He couldn’t help but feeling anger towards this new boy for taking his seat. It was seriously going to piss him off.

“Bit unfriendly, mate, huh?” Harry asked. Niall chose to ignore this sentence, and decided to try to get his pencils to stay put this time.

By the time class was done with, Niall was infuriated with Harry. All the boy had been doing was pestering him with questions. And then there was the fact that when Niall finally got his pencils to stay put, Harry ‘accidentally’ brushed his elbow against them, and they fell again. At that point, Niall let out a groan, and the teacher warned him to stay quiet. Niall busied himself the rest of the hour trying to once again fix his pencils. Guess what though? He didn’t get them fixed.

Niall walked out of class, walking to his locker. After all, now he would be able to go home. On Niall’s way to his locker, he got pushed into a locker. He looked up to see Zayn Malik, one of the school’s biggest bullies, standing there. Zayn let out a quick chuckle, and then walked away. His second-hand man, Louis Tomlinson followed right behind him. They were both still laughing as Niall flattened the creases on his shirt, and made it to his locker. He put his stuff on the racks, keeping everything completely organized, and then walked outside. He took his car keys, and walked over to his red pickup truck.

Just as he was about to get into his truck, he heard a familiar voice call out, “Oy, Blondie!” Niall looked behind him to see the devil himself: Harry Styles. He groaned again, and quickly climbed into his truck. He didn’t want to talk to the pencil killer. He started his truck up quickly, and started driving away.

He could see Harry trying to mouth something at him, but Niall chose to ignore him. He wasn’t going to talk to the pencil killer. Especially not when he made Niall clench his fists, just thinking about the ‘pencil incident’. His mum always told him to stay away from things that made him stressed out, and made him want to start punching things. And Harry definitely fell into both of those categories.

It's short, I know :) This chapter is dedicated to TheWayYouLookTonight because without her, I would've never fallen in love with Narry :) Thank you. Oh, and don't worry, Liam will be introduced in the next few chapters. And I'm thinking of doing a side pairing, like Ziam or LiLo. Comment below on which one you'd prefer.

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