Chapter Twenty

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Here :) This is the most dramatic chapter I have ever written. No one got the right answer to my question, so I'm just taking my favorite answer, and I'm gonna dedicate it to them. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter at least a little bit.

Niall got excited once he heard the door slam shut. Didn’t that mean Lou was home?

He became even happier once he saw Lou walking down the stairs. But, he wasn’t walking, he was more-so storming down the stairs. And it was then that he saw the blazing blue eyes. They were angry, extremely pissed. The only time Niall had seen Lou this angry before was when he’d came back from Liam and Harry’s that first night.

It didn’t register with him what was happening until he was shoved against the wall.

“You are a pathetic excuse for a boyfriend,” Louis spat at him. “You are a filthy, little lying son of a bitch.” And with that, he smacked Niall right across his face.

Niall was confused. This was so much worse than what Louis had done last time, what was going on? Why was he doing this?

“Where were you?” he managed to choke out.

“The store, as I said,” Louis spat, smacking Niall again. “Unlike you, I don’t lie to my boyfriend. When were you going to tell me that Harry fucking Styles was in your CPR class? Huh?”

“What?” Niall asked, confused. “How did you find out?” It had hurt when Lou hit him, but Niall was trying not to cry.

“I met someone from your class at the store, and they were talking about it,” Louis said, this time kicking Niall in the shin. That made Niall crumple to the ground. “So you don’t deny it,” Louis shouted, kicking Niall in the stomach.

“I’m sorry,” Niall whispered.

“You better be,” Louis said, punching Niall in the stomach.

That was it though. Niall got up, and then pushed Louis back. “This is bullshit!” he exclaimed. “You shouldn’t be beating on me like this, Louis! If you really loved me, we would just talk about this. I’m leaving.”

Niall watched Louis’s face for a second. Lou slowly melted back into the loving boyfriend. “Niall, don’t leave, please? I love you so very much.”

“If you did, you wouldn’t keep hurting me,” Niall said, walking towards the stairs. He was expecting Louis to lash out or something, and to try to stop him from leaving, but nothing happened. Niall made it out to his truck before he finally broke down, and started crying.

He drove though, until he reached Liam and Harry’s house. He couldn’t go home looking like shit, as he probably did. He knew he could count on Liam to help him, if he was back from his date with Zayn.

He knocked on the door, not expecting Harry to answer it.

“Niall!” Harry exclaimed. “What happened?”

“L-l-lou,” Niall choked out. It was all he could manage through the tears.

“What?” Harry asked, furiously. “Tomlinson did this to you? Niall, why didn’t you tell me this was happening?”

Niall gave Harry a glare that could kill, despite the fact that he was still hurting.

Harry must’ve realized Niall didn’t particularly want to talk about it, because he called, “LIAM! ZAYN! Get your arses down here. Niall’s here, and he needs help.”

Niall saw Liam and Zayn running down the stairs, as Harry helped him through the door. Neither of them were fully clothed, Liam was wearing an oversized t-shirt, Zayn in just sweatpants.

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