Chapter Eighteen

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Dedication because they got it partially right for last chapter. :) And I hope you enjoy this chapter. I loved writing it.

Niall tried to process the situation. Obviously, Zayn had lied to him, but why? Was it just so Niall would spend more time with Harry? Were Zayn and Liam plotting something together? Niall wasn’t sure if he’d like that if it were the case. What friends tried to force another friend onto their friend when they knew that friend didn’t want any more friends?

“So…” Harry said, a little awkwardly. “I think we’ve both been bamboozled. Do you wanna come in anyways?” His green eyes twinkled for a second, but it passed so quickly that Niall wasn’t sure if he had imagined it.

“Sure,” Niall whispered. After all, being friends with Harry couldn’t be that bad, could it? It wasn’t like Harry was some psychopathic rapist or something. Because Liam would’ve warned him, right? Unless the two of them were plotting something dark together, like Niall’s death. Niall sure hoped not, because he just didn’t want to die yet.

Harry smiled, and then lead Niall inside. “You wanna watch a movie?” he asked the blonde, once they reached the living room.

Niall’s blue eyes widened in surprise. What kind of movie would they watch? Whatever movie they watched would set into stone what exactly they were.

“Sure,” Niall whispered again.

Harry looked at Niall with a bemused look on his face. “Is that all you can say?” he asked, teasingly.

Niall smacked Harry lightly, and replied, “No. It is very well not the only thing I can say. You should know that. Now come on, pick out the damn movie.”

Harry just chuckled at that. “There’s the Niall we know and love. Is Tomlinson changing you, Horan? Is that why you’ve been super unfriendly lately?”

This time, Niall slapped Harry. No one, and he meant no one insulted his boyfriend. “Don’t ever make Lou seem like someone he’s not,” he hissed.

Harry looked appalled for a second. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I…I didn’t mean to make you angry. I was only joking. Wow. You were never this tense before.”

Once Harry finished, Niall couldn’t help but feel immensely guilty. Of course Harry was only joking. It was Harry’s personality. He loved joking about a lot of things. He couldn’t believe he had just hurt Harry because of something so stupid. And Harry had a point. If he hadn’t been dating Lou, who rarely ever joked, he would’ve never of hit Harry because of something like that.

“I’m sorry,” Niall whispered. “I didn’t mean to.” Oh wow, Niall was starting to become like Louis. But, he couldn’t. No, because Lou rarely ever laughed or smiled anymore. And Niall enjoyed laughing and smiling. He couldn’t give up on those things, not yet anyways.

“It’s okay,” Harry said, going and hugging Niall, who could feel tears coming down his cheek. “It doesn’t hurt that much. Don’t cry, Niall, please don’t cry.”

Niall tried to wipe his tears away, but it didn’t work so well. Once Harry noticed that the tears were still flowing, he put his lips right below Niall’s eye. Niall was shocked. Had Harry just kissed him? Niall pulled away quickly, staring at Harry.

Harry must’ve realized what he did wrong, because he whispered, “I am so sorry, Niall. I don’t know what happened there. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to hit me again.”

“No,” Niall replied, firmly. He was still crying, so it probably came out more choked than firm though. “No more hitting. It’s not the solution.” He realized he meant it too. It wasn’t right when Lou hit him. Niall remembered a movie one time that he’d seen on Lifetime with his mum, where the one girl was getting abused by her boyfriend. Everyone kept trying to get her to break up with her, but she was scared. And she kept making up excuses, and blaming herself. Maybe Lou was like that. But, he’d only hit Niall that one time, and he’d even promised he wouldn’t do it again. Niall couldn’t remember if the boy in the movie had promised that though, because it had been such a long time ago that he’d seen it.

“I will not hit you anymore,” Niall whispered to Harry.

“Good,” Harry replied, smiling. It looked like he wasn’t fazed by the fact he just kissed another guy’s boyfriend.

Of course, Niall knew that Harry liked him. But now it was time for the moment of truth, did he like Harry back? Because if he did, then it would most likely mean the end of the line for him and Louis. Maybe that’s what Liam and Zayn had been planning for when they had sent Niall to Liam’s. Niall had thought it was because they wanted him and Harry to be friends again, but maybe they wanted the two boys to be more than friends. Niall couldn’t say it would be that much of a drag if he and Harry were to go out. However, right now, he was with Lou, and he was pretty sure he was happy with Louis.

Niall knew it was the moment of truth. He had to make a decision now.

“Harry, I think…”

Oooh, I think this is the biggest cliffhanger I’ve ever left you guys with. I’m so evil, aren’t I? Yep. Me = one evil writer. Okay. So, what do you think Niall is gonna tell Harry?

I think this is my favorite chapter of the book. What was your favorite though? I’m not saying too much more, because I might spoil the book for you. I don’t want to ruin any plotlines, so I’m gonna shut up now. Please comment below on the answer of the two questions.

Here they are again, so you know what to answer. 1) What do you think Niall is gonna tell Harry? And 2) What’s your favorite chapter of the book so far? And why? That last part wasn’t up there, but I added it. Answer these two questions. I want three responses to them before I post the next chapter, so if you wanna know the answer to number one, ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS! I’ll pick my favorite one/right one for the dedication. What I mean by this is that there is more than one person who gets number one right, I shall pick my favorite answer for number 2. In the case that none of you get number one right, I shall pick my favorite answer for number two. Okay, now I’m seriously gonna shut up.


Now I’m shutting up.

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